Thursday, January 5, 2017

Reality behind closed doors

From 'Chill-Pills' to 'Chill-Out' rooms…

When are people going to stop allowing people to be murdered under the guise of medicine?

‘Children as young as seven are being routinely held down by hospital staff and thrown into seclusion rooms in public hospitals across Australia.’

thanks again to champion Investigative Journalist Louise Milligan for bringing this systematic abuse via the psychiatric regime to mainstream-media.

The Australian population, hopefully are starting to see how horrifically over quarter of the population are treated every year.

Children who are put on psychiatric drugs do not have good outcomes… usually their life ends up being that of an enslaved human laboratory specimen and they're told this is 'care'. All because someone didn't like the child having a temper-tantrum, suddenly they're fodder for psychiatrists to experiment with. Youth suicide is usually because of the despair these poisons and electrocutions cause to people, as well as not being listened to (that they don't want what the psychiatrists are doing to them) for so long that despair results and all hope of ever being free from torture dwindles to hope of an escape from the 24/7 indefinite torture via death. Mainstream-media often reports of suicide as needing ‘preventative treatments’ by psychiatrists, but psychiatrists have peddled that slogan for too long, and they’ve been given so much tax-payer funding to forcefully experiment on youth in the guise of 'preventative measures', that suicide has increased dramatically in Australia.

It is hard for people who are taken in forcefully by psychiatrists as adults (usually while grieving the death of a loved-one, or other life difficulties), but it is even harder for children who are drugged-up and belittled by psychiatrists early on.

Aaron Hyde, abused at Northern Territory’s Don Dale youth detention centre, was abused by psychiatrists as a young child with ADHD drugs. ADHD drugs are very addictive form of the street-drug 'speed'. By 14 Aaron moved onto street-drugs, that once upon a time were psychiatric drugs dubbed 'mother's little helper' and commonly used for soldiers.

Recent RWC on children exposed, 'In February 2005, a team of researchers from The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center led by R.A. El-Zein announced that a study of 12 children indicated that methylphenidate may be carcinogenic. In the study, 12 children were given standard therapeutic doses of methylphenidate. At the conclusion of the 3-month study, all 12 children displayed significant treatment-induced chromosomal aberrations.'              

Imagine never remembering a time when you weren’t subjected to Forced Experimentation. Imagine learning early on that you cannot oppose a psychiatrists treatment of you, any more than your parents can… and being resigned to being perpetually subjected to research, because of the defiance you expressed early on, defiance that was a reaction to the disgusting things psychiatrists were doing to you.

Psychiatrists keep increasing the amount of the population they use for experiments (usually people socially/ financially disenfranchised, or otherwise oppressed by government/ society.)

This is what Kerrin Hall's child said aged nine said about public psychiatric hospital treatment, 'I promise I'll be a good boy, Mummy. Take me home. I don't want them to do this to me anymore. I hate it here. They've hurt me and I just want to go home. Nobody loves me. Nobody gives a shit about me. You promised me that they'd help me and all they've done is ------ my head even more. I want to home and I want to die.'

It is good when a mother actually listens to what their child is saying about psychiatric treatment, like Kerrin Hall has, and actively tries to do something to stop the abuse. But it is not easy to get a journalist in Australia to report these obviously horrendous crimes. It is not easy to stop psychiatrists from using you, or your child in Forced Human Experimentation... and even worse for children in FosterCare.

Applying to the UN CRPD, is a start, mainstream media campaigns, petitions, letters to the offending psychiatrists, finding out what grant the psychiatrists are receiving and in Australia, applying to the Federal Police to have the Forced Human Experimentation investigated as a servitude offense under our Crimes Act. 

Think about the abuse you are endorsing that next time you tell someone to ‘take a chill-pill’ or think that a ‘chill-out’ room in a psychiatric facility is kind… no, it is something from a horror film, but it is not fiction from a horror film, it is from reality behind closed doors. This is the reality of the psychiatric regime, in Australia 2017.

No one, no one deserves to be in serving psychiatrists in Research without Consent. No child, no adult in their prime, no middle-aged person, no elderly person… No one deserves to be forced or coerced (under duress) into being a laboratory specimen.

End forced psychiatry. End forced human experimentation. Do not allow medicos to pervert the term ‘emergency’ so that people can be subjected to Research without Consent.

It is not just Australia doing this, USA psychiatry is abusing children too:

And think about those who conduct RWC in paediatrics (NB: psychiatry always involves RWC because psych-patients who refuse drugs are given ‘emergency’ status and diagnosed with ‘delirium/ Cannot Give Informed Consent’)

It’s not as though survivors and allies haven’t been attempting to get heard, for over 209 years of psychiatry’s existence, when there were ‘chill baths’ before the ‘chill pills’ … Nothing psychiatrists do enables or helps the people being abused. But people might ask:

 ‘After all, if chlorpromazine (commonly known as Largactil) and other neuroleptics don't cure schizophrenia – any more than lithium "cures" bipolar illness – then why exactly do you need a qualified medical doctor to dole them out?’

Well, the medicos dole it out, because it pays them really, really well, not only via our stupid whitecoat bludging government allowances

and because they’re cold-hearted killers in their sheepy-white clothes that designate their profession under our laws as beyond reproach, and ‘the doctor is not one who acts antisocially as one who commits assault and battery, but is an actor who in good faith intends to confer a benefit on the patient.’ As well as the idea that ‘human subject research is socially beneficial’. The Nuremburg Code rejected as, ‘a good code for barbarians but an unnecessary code for ordinary physicians.’