Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Stopping Oppression Globally

I am obsessed with getting reachers.org off the ground and happening big time, any twinge of want for a macchiato, is directly linked to wanting to drive reachers into a successful fundraiser to change things globally for women & girls… and most especially stop Forced Human Experimentation.

I am not shy about promoting what I deem to be as one way forward to getting something done, I don’t think you should be either.

The idea that I’m not ‘acknowledging’ that people have human crisis, is ridiculous, when people get lumped into psychiatry’s Forced Human Experimentation for all sorts of reasons… when there’s no reason for them to be ever harmed in that way.

Female Genital Mutilation, can result in a person then being ALSO being subjected to psychiatric Forced Human Experimentation.

A person who is Homeless, often gets placed in the psychiatric system and subjected to FHE.

A woman or child subjected to male-violence/ family violence, often ends up being then subjected to forced psychiatric drugs, electrocution (referred to by psychiatrists as ECT) & arbitrary detention.

1st Nations People who have transgenerationally been oppressed and whose families and people have been subjected to genocide, are more likely than the rest of the population to then also be subjected to FHE, not only via psychiatry, but often via other medicos.

Acknowledging that Medicine is an Industry, rather than just a charitable organisation, is the first step towards acknowledging that Forced Human Experimentation has always occurred under the guise of ‘medicine’. And reading up on the loop-holes in the law that allow this enables us to understand that the term ‘emergency’ is used for psychiatry in an on-going basis, to allow Forced Human Experimentation to be indefinitely forced on quarter of the population, and perhaps more than quarter of the population, if this systematic abuse of human lives is allowed to continue.

So, this is my hope behind this grassroots organisation. Please sign up and make a page on reachers.org, spread the word, to other people, make this happen. It’s been over 3 years in the making. Board Members are all lived-experience/ Experient, like myself, of various forms of oppression. I don’t want to live in a world where women and girls are horribly oppressed and medicos are allowed to forcefully experiment on people.

More info about the site, including required Government approvals (ACNC) as well as benevolent gift status here: http://reachers.org/info/about.html

Just a reminder that this fundraiser is not connected to any government, nor a church-based organisation… reachers Philanthropy is an organisation set up to be run by PEOPLE POWER. 99.9% going directly to the organisations that are driven to make changes happen. And a (government approved) ‘benevolent gift’ going to one of those lucky $4 donators.

Make it happen!

When governments are oppressive and protests don't work, you need something that will drive funds to make huge changes globally for women. http://reachers.org/info/about.html

reaching potential with www.reachers.org for the self-empowerment of women & girls

Activism, petitions, commissions...

Feb 28, 2017 — Petition update
I sent this petition to the new Commissioner Edward Santow, at the Australian Human Rights Commission.
He has your comments & signatures, but has not yet responded to our petition. So, let's REALLY let him know.

AHRC needs to hear from victims of psychiatry & those advocating on behalf of people who cannot gain access to internet to make a complaint, or are so shut-down by the torturous drugs & of psychiatric violence they cannot think what to say.https://www.humanrights.gov.au/complaint-information

I filled the form in as an individual complaint, and said that needs to be recognised as one person among millions of Australians abused systematically by govt-psychiatry for Human Research purposes.
I ticked this:
*My human rights have been breached by a Commonwealth government agency. 

I pinned the culprits as RANZP & Alfred Burnet Viral Load Laboratory (Alfred Health), though, I could've looked at other organisations that are involved. This would not be the same for everyone, but RANZP is the governing body for psychiatrists in Australia.

I must also remind anyone who wants to make themselves heard about the widespread Forced Human Experimentation in the psychiatric regime, that asking for Research Without Consent/ Exception From Informed Consent research/ Emergency Research... to be recognised as an unethical, must fill in the online form before 11:59pm 28/02/17 https://consultations.nhmrc.gov.au/submission-guidelines

Know also, that Psychiatrist Andrea Walker at Prince Charles Hospital Brisbane Queensland Reported to Federal and State Health Ministers et al for Potential Death-Risks
Garth Daniels’ ask for Freedom From Torture & arbitrary detention, and, freedom from Forced Human Experimentation www.glennfloyd.org/BLOODTEST.pdf

Don't forget to stand in the street when you've got a spare moment!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Australia has signed & agreed to ratification of the Convention Against Torture

Text for question to Q&A ABC program panel on video:
'George Brandis, congratulations on finally ratifying the CAT. How long will it take to come into effect? Australia signed and ratified the UN CRPD in 2008, which strictly forbids forced medical treatments, and Research Without Consent, yet millions of Australians are subjected to forced psychiatry every year. People who say no and mean it enough to take action by going to a tribunal hearing, often without legal representation, because innocent people aren’t entitled to a lawyer. 9 years is a long time to take before enacting section 51, especially when people are being tortured in the guise of medicine, under EFIC research. How much longer? Are you frustrating the convention?'

Not exactly ratified yet... but a promise

Australia hasn't yet ratified UN OPCAT, but has declared that ratification will occur at the end of 2017.

The Federal Government has announced it will ratify an international treaty to improve the oversight of Australia's prisons and detention centres. Attorney-General George Brandis said the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) would be ratified by the end of this year.

What does that mean for people on a Compulsory Treatment Order, being threatened with arbitrary detention if they don't turn up to appointments, told pull their pants down to be injected or have someone else do that, and told to comply with blood tests to verify they are taking the poisons the psychiatrists require in order to do invasive Human Research Without Consent?

Do quarter of Australia's civilian population subjected to Forced and Coerced (under duress) invasive cruel inhuman psychiatric treatments, that qualify as 24/7 indefinite torture & arbitrary detention, count as being allowed FREEDOM FROM TORTURE? They haven't for 209 years that the state violence inflicted under the psychiatric regime has been in place. Innocent people in this country don't have the right to legal representation, and if they're lucky enough to get legal representation, Medicos are considered beyond reproach; even though psychiatrists are known to harm children, even paedophile children, certainly they forcefully drug them, electrocute them, tie them up...  as well as harm the elderly, harm people in their prime. No one deserves this. It doesn't matter what kind of victim-blaming, or dehumanising excuse that is come up with through whitecoat propaganda, no one deserves to be tortured like this.

There has to be more awareness of psychiatry's abuse of human lives. It is wide-scale systematic state violence that causes a slow poisoning to death in the person inflicted by psychiatry's cocktails of forced drugs.

What would you rather? Be chained, or poisoned, or electrocuted? Know that psychiatry uses mechanical holds, in 4-point, not chains but Velcro, that said it's the same effect. Garth Daniel was held in this position for over 69 days in Victoria by psychiatrists. He was also being poisoned and electrocuted and his suffering belittled. Why? Because he said no, and meant it, and had parents who fought for him way better than most can. His parents understood South African Aparthied Regime, and survived it. Which makes this all worse, because you'd think if you at least had people petitioning to stop State Violence being inflicted on you, the psychiatrists would back off or start to be reasonable. But, psychiatrists are not reasonable, if you think they are, you obviously really don't read or listen to anything the people who are abused by psychiatry say, or their allies, or experts who cannot be bought or easily threatened into silence by the scam industry that is psychiatry.

Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow said it was a good day for human rights in Australia. "When a person is detained in prison, a mental health facility, anywhere, they remain human," he said.


Yes, that's what people subjected to forced psychiatry say most, they just want to be treated like human-beings, not tortured, not belittled, not forcefully used in Emergency Research. But that's not what is happening.

If we cannot stop torture

in our own country,

where can we stop it?

Australia you need to be outraged!

Australian government policy on Conventions (brief)

Australia does not generally agree to be bound by a human rights treaty unless it is satisfied that its domestic laws comply with the terms of the treaty. Australia has agreed to be bound by the ICCPR and the ICESCR as well as other major human rights instruments, including:

  • Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
  • Convention on the Political Rights of Women
  • International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
  • Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women
  • Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
  • Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
  • Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
  • Slavery Convention of 1926
  • Supplementary Convention on Slavery
  • Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

9th February 2017 at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s annual NGO Forum, the Foreign Minister and Attorney-General announced that Australia would ratify the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).
