If you cannot attend the Melbourne protest against
electroshock, please show your support. Share this link, and comment, give
other people who can attend courage to be there. If you don't understand yet,
you're not really thinking, definitely not caring enough to protect all those
people coming here from war-torn countries, people suffering crisis, who will
no doubt be subjected to psychiatric torture practices that will make their
distress worse that make getting a job impossible, which slowly kills them. All
the refugees trying to seek asylum in Australia, don't know that we have a
regime that will persecute them here, if they're marginalised and suffering,
they don't know about the horrific regime called psychiatry. It persecutes and
tortures to death marginalised non-violent citizens under the guise of 'care'
and 'medicine'. Psychiatry is using people as laboratory subjects has done so
for so long, society has forgotten to notice. Spouting such propaganda, to
smear innocent people with psychiatry advertises their wares and bewares to the
mass media. People seeking asylum here didn't see that in the tourist
campaigns. They’re in for more than one kind of
Long, long have been. And I know so many who have suffered
this way and will not speak up for fear. Please don't refuse to attend, and
don't tell me you're on our side, or I'll be concerned for your intellect.
In Victoria, Australia
Your tax goes on torturing 5700 unwilling innocent
Victorians every year made 'involuntary' subject matter for white-coat thugs.
Stop torturing marginalised people! you silly
tax payers: https://www.facebook.com/events/1589014468044096/