'I don't want anyone else to suffer the way I have. I don't want forced psychiatry and forced psychiatric treatments in psychwards,' Janita Thurston.
Please sign Janita's petition for freedom from forcibly injected neurotoxins AND her other petition to reform the South Australian Mental Health Act, so that it doesn't include forced psychiatry.
Janita Thurston is well-aware of the devastating effects that forced psychiatric drugs have on her life, and yet she is being denied her autonomy, said not to have the capacity to understand the perpetrating psychiatrists’ point-of-view. Why should she understand and be obedient to perpetrators? She has been fully aware since psychiatrists first harmed her while she was still in secondary school, that psychiatrists were harming her and they are. Since 2002, various psychiatrists have tested out their products on her, naming the harms of the neurotoxins they forced on her as ‘a disease’ instead of recognising what psychiatrists know is one of the many horrible effects of neuroleptics.
Janita Thurston has been asking for 18 years, for the right to refuse psychiatrists torturous products, procedures, programs… yet has been continuously used by psychiatrists for various disgusting cruel human research studies.
This is likely to be the current research Janita Thurston is being used for, without permission, without her knowledge –
2016-2020 Project Grant; $626,179
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHRMC), Australia: 1102628
Morgan, V., McGrath, J., Galletly, C., Harvey, C., Castle, D., Cohen, M., Jablensky, A., Carr, V., Neil, A., Wattereus, A
Title: “An empirical framework for assessing mortality and morbidity in people with psychotic disorders: 7-year prospective and 10-year retrospective follow-up of 2075 participants in the Survey of High Impact Psychosis (SHIP) using linked registers”
This is likely to be the current research Janita Thurston is being used for, without permission, without her knowledge –
2016-2020 Project Grant; $626,179
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHRMC), Australia: 1102628
Morgan, V., McGrath, J., Galletly, C., Harvey, C., Castle, D., Cohen, M., Jablensky, A., Carr, V., Neil, A., Wattereus, A
Title: “An empirical framework for assessing mortality and morbidity in people with psychotic disorders: 7-year prospective and 10-year retrospective follow-up of 2075 participants in the Survey of High Impact Psychosis (SHIP) using linked registers”
What can a person do to escape a violent cruel regime such as forced psychiatry is? Victims of psychiatrists are not even permitted the right to self-defence.
If the history and current violations of psychiatrists on Janita Thurston were made into a movie – you would truly recognise her as the heroic protagonist, against the vile, cruel government legislated regime that is the mental health system in South Australia.
Janita advocates on behalf of animals and wants the right to boycott animal cruelty
Janita is aware of the horrific animal cruelty that pharmaceutical companies inflict on those animals they test these products on. Janita wants the right to refuse these products on that basis, and the basis of her right as a vegan, as well as reasons of her own right to life, right to health, and right to freedom from torture...
Janita is aware of the horrific animal cruelty that pharmaceutical companies inflict on those animals they test these products on. Janita wants the right to refuse these products on that basis, and the basis of her right as a vegan, as well as reasons of her own right to life, right to health, and right to freedom from torture...
Please sign Janita's petition for freedom from forcibly injected neurotoxins AND her other petition to reform the South Australian Mental Health Act, so that it doesn't include forced psychiatry.
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