Monday, December 24, 2018

Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health

E-petition Number
No psychiatrists in a Mental Health Royal Commission
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council what needs to be exposed in a Royal Commission into Mental Health. It is no mystery to victims of psychiatrists that the system is violently and cruelly abusing people. Pouring more money into the system will only make more victims of psychiatrists, as has been happening for decades. Victims of psychiatrists want that legislated abuse exposed. We want the corruption, the exploitation and the vile forced human experimentation to stop. It is our voice, the voice of victims of psychiatrists that needs to be heard, not through the filtered advice of Professor Patrick McGorry, a psychiatrist. He does not represent victims of psychiatrists, but represents psychiatrists, those who perpetrate against us. Deaths and maiming through forced and coerced mental health treatments must be counted, and the horror of these legislated abuses fully exposed to the Australian people.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to exclude any psychiatrist from advisory or chairing positions during a Royal Commission into Mental Health, as this will pervert the course of justice for a Royal Commission into the corruption and abuse of the Victorian mental health system.
Closing Date

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Royal Commission into Mental Health must not include McGorry

Please sign this petition

A Royal Commission into Mental Health must not include McGorry!
The truth is being denied when a psychiatrist is put into a chairing position in the advisory committee that is meant to investigate the corruption, abuse, exploitation, murders and maiming of people by force, through Victoria's Mental Health Act. $13.5 million of the public purse will go on a farce to benefit McGorry and his cronies, when the public need this holocaust to be exposed, so it will end.

GET McGorry and his green glowing rat head out of
the Victorian Royal Commission into Mental Health!

It’s no mystery to Victims of Psychiatrists that the system is violently and cruelly abusing people, and pouring more money into it, will only make more Victims of Psychiatrists, as has been happening for decades. Victims of Psychiatrists, want that exposed, that legislated abuse. We want the corruption, the exploitation and the vile forced human experimentation racket to stop. It is our voice, the voice of Victims of Psychiatrists that needs to be heard, not though the filtered advice of Patrick McGorry, a psychiatrist, who does not represent Victims of Psychiatrists, rather represents psychiatrists, those who perpetrate against us.
We ask that no psychiatrist be included in an advisory position or chairing position, as this perverts the course of justice and reason for a Royal Commission into the corruption and abuses of the Victorian Mental Health System and denigrates the highest form of inquiry on matters of public importance.
Deaths and maiming through forced and coerced Mental Health treatments must be counted, and the horror of these legislated abuses fully exposed to the Australian people: 
1. If someone dies of a cardiac arrest after years of being forced on a neuroleptic, then the death must be marked up as a cardiac arrest potentially caused by the neuroleptic forced. And so forth, for every death – including suicide potentially induced by forced – coerced psychiatric drugs. 

2. We want the maiming of our bodies to be counted. So for every person that attempts suicide due to the horrible effects of neuroleptics or other psychiatric drugs and procedures and injures themselves, everyone who gets a cardio condition, an allergy, diabetes… all the things listed on the drug’s website, that these psychiatric drugs that are forced on people are known to cause. 

3. We want a count of how many people were put on forced orders in a year. 

4. We want a count of how many people were utilised as data in human research as ‘emergency research’ without their knowledge, and through coercive means, due to the Mental Health legislation in Victoria. 

5. We want to know how many people were threatened with forced psychiatry, if they did not undergo another kind of medical procedure, or treatment. 

6. We want to know how many people were broken under torture of isolation, arbitrary detention, high dose drugs, mechanical holds, and other procedures, into obedience with the treating psychiatrist, and how many were verbally told, that they need to agree to treatment, and agree to the psychiatric label given if they are to be let free from arbitrary detention or mechanical ties, or have the dose of the drug lowered. 

7. We want to know how many people have been suffering an emergency medical condition, that was ignored, and turned into a Mental Health issue. How many of those people have been maimed or killed due to not being listened to, and denied the access to assistance they need, and having their condition worsened by toxic psychiatric drugs, and damaging procedures, as well as the dehumanisation of forced psychiatry.

8. We want to know how many people were trying to speak out against the effects of electrical pollution, that were subjected to forced psychiatry. 

9. We want to know how many people were attempting to speak out against chemicals in their environment or food, that were subjected to forced psychiatry. 

10. We want to know how many people were attempting to speak out against organised crime, when they were subjected to forced psychiatry. 

11. We want to know how many people were attempting to speak out against violence that they experienced, or were currently experiencing, and attempting to do so got them subjected to forced psychiatry. 

12. How many compulsory patients were physically assaulted in a psychiatric ward, and how often. 

13. How many people subjected to mental health treatments were subjected to lewd comments, racism, sexism, or had their spiritual, cultural, or individual beliefs vilified by staff members. 

14. How many people subjected to forced psychiatry would consider themselves to be socially disenfranchised, financially disenfranchised, an oppressed people, and considered their diagnosis by psychiatrists to be discriminatory.


Less than 10% of people get legal representation, when issued with a forced order under the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014. Mental Health treatments should not be forced. And they certainly should not be used disable a person's ability to fight that vile, cruel use of forced on them in the courts, by denying a person what the courts demand - Legal Representation. That's a horrific way to pervert legislation in order to exploit a marginalized/ disenfranchised group of people. It is a very unhealthy mentality in legislation that denies a person such basic human rights, that is so anti-human rights it is just disgusting.


The Australian Government repealed the death penalty in each State/ Territory, then they put together the federal - Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973. I want the same thing to happen with arbitrary detention and forced Mental Health treatments. I want an Absolute Prohibition of Forced Treatment & Commitment Act happen Federal, but they can only do that after the States/ Territories abolish it. The only way is protest, in the street. Getting victims of psychiatrists to tell what is happening under the Mental Health Acts. And do that again and again and again, constantly. That was the only way there was a Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse. The only way. People have to know we're real people, and hear the emotional truth of what we say. They have to be there, hearing it, and that they to hear it again and again. Until they recognise the lies propaganda tells about those they exploit most horribly by force for human research. We cannot have this horrible exploitation racket increasing massively each year it continues. It has to be stopped.

Please sign this petition

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Election day and no promises to abolish forced psychiatry

People doing what they can to keep up the protest, while working in a lovely little shop called The Painter & The Writer Gallery - 42 Main St Maldon, Victoria - in Australia. Or maybe it was just that the shop liked a picture of a protest on polling day, and they just stuck it in there out front, because it's art and they're an art shop and there's no need to hide a painting about the civil rights movement of the millennium.

Health Australia Party has not yet put into policy that they will abolish forced psychiatry in line with the UN CRPD, though, though have indicated that they will move towards this at the Federal election.

Thing is, forced psychiatry has to be abolished by each State. And Victoria, being the worst place in the world, per capita, for forced psychiatry, really should be the starting place.

To not say you'll abolish forced psychiatry, is really being anti-human rights. No one should abide by forced human experimentation, of the vile, cruel kind that psychiatry, in Victoria Australia consists of. You are not meant to be okay with forced human experimentation that kills and maims thousands of people in Victoria, Australia every year.

No one should abide by a government that promises a Royal Commission into Mental Health, then, sleazily adds that a psychiatrist will be chairing it. That's like having a CEO of Bank do a Royal Commission into banking, it's like having a CEO of an accused Church do a Royal Commission into Institutional Abuse. Churches colluded, it was proven, so did banks. They close ranks, they cover up, unless they're an ally to victims. And Patrick McGorry is DEFINITELY NOT in ANY WAY an ally to Victims of Psychiatrists. It's an utterly ridiculous, horrible thing, to have victims being represented and chaired by perpetrators and their coterie - but that's the nature of a country that has a regime of vile, cruel exploitation, such as Australia, Victoria does. They want to keep it running, cover it up to make it look like benevolent charity to those who haven't been violated by it, and deny any victim the right to speak out against it fully and be heard by the population.

People can, and do stand on the street and protest. People do refuse psychiatrists for years while being locked in a psychward. They can apply under to the UN under Special Procedures, to be release from arbitrary detention.

Make noise, be heard, in any way you can, is the only way this vile, cruel exploitation can be stopped.

Yes, there has been a precedent in the Supreme Court ofVictoria due to the courage of NJE & PBU, putting up a fight against forced electrocution, that had been rubber stamped by the Victorian Administrative Tribunal, they would not have been permitted to fight in the court, if they had not been part of the 10% subjected to forced psychiatry that were given access to Legal Aid. Which means 90% of people fight, then are violently and horribly electrocuted because they do not get any access to Legal Aid, at a Tribunal, or VCAT, let alone to challenge VCAT in the Supreme Court. But even with this precedent, and an admittance by ECTmachine makers that their product causes brain damage, even so, with this, ECT can still be forced on people in Victoria, Australia.

There is nothing to stop arbitrary detention and 24/7 torture under the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014 being increased once again from 10,000 forced orders in 2017, to however many more will tally in 2019.

The way the re-elected government talks about the Royal Commission into Mental Health, that is going to cost the tax-payer $13.5 million - isn't from the perspective of those who are being violated by psychiatrists, it's from the perspective of whitecoat greed and their politicians who have a vested interest in keeping on using people, as a pound of flesh, to be examined, injected and observed as live specimens, then written up to be published for vast sums of money.

Just as animals are violated in laboratories, so too are humans, under the vile cruel Mental Health Acts in each State/ Territory of Australia. 

Animal rights? Yes and - don't forget human rights, right here, in Victoria, Australia, or you might find one day, you're one of the millions being locked away arbitrarily and exploited in the most horrible fashion that nightmares are made of.

Think of the artists over time, attempting to speak through visuals when speaking got them into threats and strife -

  • Francisco de Goya's fear of being thrown in a pit, where they put people who said too much about organised crime, corruption, and didn't paint royalty in the way they wanted to be painted, people who were honest about what was happening around them, to their neighbours, friends, family - were thrown  into pits and called 'mad' as they suffered the horrors of that; 
  • Edvard Munch's 'The Scream' - fear he'd be put where his sister was put away for whatever it was she didn't obey. Perhaps she just didn't marry who she was told she had to. Perhaps she spoke out against a paedophile. Perhaps she just smiled or frown or expressed herself too much for some ugly jealous thug in power.

It is important that people don't let killing machines go on and on in their country ever increasing with attempts to control of the population by fear, torture, arbitrary detention and vilification of victims. Eugenics doctrine, that is the Mental Health legislation - it must be stopped, now, not later.

It is important that people recognise what is happening close to them, rather than in a country they haven't visited, where a picture of a child is being dangled to raise funds for the so-called charities that are causing starvation, disease, poisoning and all kinds of horror, causing, via their alliance with other companies that have very lucrative cruel agendas on their board room table. Force feeding  overseas and here with toxic rot is happening. It's horrific and all done in the name of benevolence.

And unless you know that, you think the charity is benevolent.

Changing legislation should not be about charity, that is asking for more funds, and nor should a Royal Commission be about spending more funds - it should be about recognising that it is never okay to exploit by force, never okay to legislate to violently exploit people to the point of maiming and killing them, then call that benevolence. It should be about hearing the people that have been violated more and more every time they attempted to speak out against the vile, corrupt perpetrators that are arbitrarily detaining and exploiting them most horribly. Society needs to recognise, that and so much more that victims of psychiatrists have to say.

At what point are people going to see the human rights movement of the millenium - to abolish this vile cruel forced human experimentation done under mental health legislation? At what point are they going to be horrified enough to stop the horror.

Think of - 

Garth Daniels. He was horribly abused in Victoria, under the re-elected Government, electrocuted 150 times, dosed up on horrifically large quantities of neuroleptics, tied to a bed for 69 days. He skipped to QLD and found the same government governing QLD.

Why is it that Garth is still not free from arbitrary detention & torture? Because he does not consent to take neuroleptics that are going to cause him cardio problems. He does not consent to having his physical abilities shut down, so he cannot physically do what he'd easily be capable of, when having those neuroleptics shoved into him.

Garth Daniels has fought for his freedom, had support to do this from his family (which most families don't do, they back-peddle and go along with authorities gone wrong and have their own flesh and blood been done in by the ugly whitecoats. Some will later claim they trusted the whitecoats more than their family member. Why? Why would you do that? Trust the people you know, unless you already know they're ugly whitecoats and want nothing to do with them.)

Family & friends can assist a person in arbitrary detention to apply to the UN CRPD committee under Special Procedures, to demand the government release the person they unlawfully are detaining and torturing.

Garth Daniels got an advocate through his father Bernard Daniels to put a request in to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. He has also given permission to release a video of him being abused by psychiatrists, after he said, 'I do not consent'. It should be enough, when a person verbally says they do not consent to have a product injected into them, it really should. No one should have some ugly whitecoat company's product forced on them.

This is Garth Daniels, being tortured like this repeatedly, in QLD as we type this blog. He did not consent to be harmed this way, he actively said: I DO NOT CONSENT

Please free Victorians & people in Queensland Australia from this vile, cruel corrupt governing force, that condemns people to a life of forced servitude, as a human laboratory specimens, with no reprieve, no mercy, a life condemned to a situation far worse than anything else in the world. Far worse, because no politician even dares speak out against it. And the Labour government of Victoria & Queensland enslaves people, by force, under their legislation, to be used in these horrifically violent human research studies they do, without consent.


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Killer whitecoat terms

Kristian Silva (paid by the tax payer's ABC) reports on how a workplace dispute leaves a man
  •         feeling persecuted, particularly after he seeks support
  •         feeling a failure & feeling humiliating misery
  •         Attempting suicide but not succeeding
  •         Unable to find a place to live
  •         Accused of being delusional
  •         Arbitrarily detained
  •      Subjected to torturous forced drugging 24/7 indefinitely under a public health order
  •          Resenting people who have a job, a home and whom can smile enough to seem happy

This man misdirects his anger at everyone except the psychiatrists who abused him the most, and, commits an unconscionable crime, of which there is no excuse.

Then, because he committed an horrific crime, psychiatrists are paid through tax-funds as ‘expert witnesses’ in the courts, to conflate his unconscionable crime with the psychiatrists’ pet diagnosis for indefinite arbitrary detention and torture.

The man was 'psycho' the psychiatrists say, in the ‘shitzo’ category the psychiatrists say (they might as well) as they continue - commonly called ‘mad’ the psychiatrists say. And don’t mention that’s the same thing that a child is accused of when the child tries to report a pedophile. The same thing women are accused of by psychiatrists, and condemned to when they try to talk or leave a violent domestic situation. The same thing that over 600,000 people in Australia this year have been labelled with. But the 600,000 people who have been arbitrarily detained and tortured under Australia’s Mental Health legislation, they have not committed unconscionable crimes. They haven’t committed ANY crimes.

Who commits the worst crimes?  Who murders the most? The psychiatrists – then they get up in the court and defend murderers! And get paid by the tax-payer to do that.

Murderers don’t need excuses. They did the crime, it was clearly not self-defence, they get the punishment – not more or less punishment than anyone else who does the same crime. There needs to be equality before the law.

Stop this outrageous eugenics term ‘mental fitness’ and ‘fitness to plead’ and try and stop attempting to excuse violence, in order to allow the whitecoats to exploit not only those who are convicted of crimes, but people attempting to report crimes, bullying, corruption, pollution… start thinking beyond the ridiculous propaganda the Australian Broadcasting Association serves, through Kristian Silva to continue bio-medico-exploitation.

Terms like ‘mentally sick’ used to talk up the idea of locking them up and throwing away the key, denying human rights on the basis of some psychiatrists accusation. Do people even know what goes under that umbrella so that psychiatrists can bring in a broad group of disenfranchised people whom they label, while the mainstream media dutifully reports the ‘unconscionable crimes’ and the insanity defence pleas – and ignores the fact that psychiatrists should not be allowed to forcibly exploit people for invasive, cruel, human research?

The idea of a person being ‘psychotic/insane’, such that they cannot ‘reason’ – is just meaningless jargon. What the hell do you mean? Those words are used by ‘professional psychiatrists’ to ramp up the dehumanising of people they persecute. Speak in terms that are meaningful, that make sense, that have logical reason that’s specific – rather than nebulous psychiatrists’ power-rort-babble-on. Recognise precisely what you meant to say when you uttered those whitecoat jargon tools for exploitation that throw people in to a bin labeling -
  •         You mean he was homeless and he was exposed to the elements?
  •          You mean he was scared that someone was going to report him to psychiatrists?
  •         You mean that he was terrified of arbitrary detention and torture under the Mental Health legislation and couldn’t tell anyone because they would report him?
  •       You mean his government was exploiting him and he was desperately trying to work out the reason he was being persecuted in this vile, cruel fashion and was grasping at any reason he could think to explain the destruction on his life under government legislation?
  •      You mean he did an unconscionable crime?

Which? What?

Learn to reason better than people who are paid to write articles that are funded by pharma. Learn to recognise the whitecoat propaganda that whites out the truth and replaces it with an advertising agenda. And remember no one deserves to be subjected forcibly to invasive cruel scientific-medical research, or arbitrary detention. And, when people are subjected to these violations – they rightly feel they are being persecuted by their government, and society that does nothing to stop them being violated behind whitecoat closed doors. Exploitation is violence.

Equality before the law, equal recognition before the law means that there should be no such Mental Health Court. That anyone who does an unconscionable crime, has the right to plead self-defense, but no such right to bring in those who were violating them, as experts, rather they should be co-accused, that’s what psychiatrists should be, accused of violating the person’s human rights before the person did the unconscionable crime, never accused of not violating the person’s human rights enough (which is what mainstream media wants to imply with their reinforcing of inequality before the law, in that people deemed unfit by a psychiatrist can be arbitrarily detained and tortured 24/7 indefinitely for the purpose of lucrative, cruel human research.)

There are many people whose lives are ruined by forced psychiatry. Killing and maiming people and calling it care is just really stupid propaganda. Conflating those who do unconscionable crimes, with everyone who is homeless – that would be outrageous – but when people conflate nebulous terms psychiatrists use to order exploitation of a disenfranchised person - conflate that accusation by a psychiatrist with an unconscionable crime - people forget that psychiatrists are criminals, their whole duty is to violate and exploit and get paid handsomely by the government, that also gets a cut of the human research profits.

To seed the idea that people labelled with the term ‘shitzo’ or ‘psycho’ by a psychiatrist (well, pretty much that) – have a disease that will mean they will commit an unconscionable crime, is just ridiculous, because ‘a disease’ needs proof to exist, or, it’s just a conspiracy theory, and prescience isn’t really applicable to scientific method, it’s something people who dapple in the supernatural are into. So, what the hell is this shit that propagates these stupid ideas doing in the tax-payer funded ABC? Shouldn’t that kind of shit be propagated by commercial interests that twist things into perverse advertising purposes so they can keep their business running? People know not to trust commerce, but they think their government should somehow be beyond the strings of commerce, and its TV network reporting shouldn’t propagate advertisements that push exploitation… which is silly because it is the government legislation that allows the worst kinds of exploitation now, and historically, and the worst kinds of propaganda.

Have a look at some vintage propaganda from 1918, and think about how little the government’s cruel exploitation has changed in 100 years. The propaganda merely uses different language and symbology – and though people find the propaganda of 1918 ridiculous now – how many people found the propaganda of 1918 ridiculous, when they were living in that era? How long did it take people to recognise that they were being coersively-controlled by propaganda? How long did it take people to recognise the people being violated in 1918 and victim-blamed were not the criminals, but were being set up as such? Let’s just partially answer that with – people have still not fully recognised the eugenics propaganda of 1918 in 2018, but they must. It’s been going on 100 years too long.

Eugenics is all about grouping people into categories, looking at people in a way that dehumanises them into something disgusting, debasing and abusive - so that a sector of the population can be forcibly condemned to arbitrary detention & medical/ scientific experimentation.

Psychiatrists and neuro-psychologists and other whitecoats involved in forcibly and coersively experimenting on people in an invasive cruel way are the disgusting core of eugenics. 

The regime has not ended, the forced human experimentation continues to expand unabated, human rights denied as people are maimed and murdered because psychiatrists point at us and accuse of us with some nebulous jargon.

References on eugenics & propaganda

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Peerly Human: What It's Like to Be a Mother Watching Your Son De...

Peerly Human: What It's Like to Be a Mother Watching Your Son De...:                                   After psychiatry/ before drugs and psychiatry.  2017. / 2015.                                   Thi...

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

You sound whitecoat

When a star checks herself into being a whitecoat spruiker. Saying she’s ‘dedicated herself to increasing awareness of mental health’, and ‘empoweringpeople to recognise when it’s time to seek help’  go ask your doctor spiel. That’s when I think – you ugly whitecoats’ fart.

Advocating for whom? For the whitecoat exploiters!

Choke on your ‘betterment of those in need’ Michelle Williams! What planet are you on?

Millions of people are being tortured to death by psychiatrists. Millions die every year worldwide because of forced and coerced psychiatry. 

You feeling tired of all those gigs? You got burn out? Just say so. Of course it’s tiring. Your manager is a bloody whip on you, but you do have the choice to say yes or no, to his demands.

Garth Daniels and millions of other victims of psychiatrists do not have that choice, nor are they being paid ANYTHING, to be violently and cruelly exploited by psychiatrists, whitecoat researchers and their government that legislates forced psychiatry.

Michelle, if you dropped the tours because of fatigue and burnout, that wouldn’t get any kind of payment, I know, but you’ll never be homeless or without offers of payment for your music and other talents. So, what's the big deal? Are you that greedy? Or just so tired you're just going along with what everyone says, like actors do, because that's what they're paid to do, cover up for the scum who make money from violations so disgusting, that no one wants to talk about how stinking awful it is, in case they get told to shut up and it isn't happening, then no press will cover the advertising of their gigs. The same thing was done for the pedophiles, please don't continue down this track, it's disgusting.

It is a low stoop to spruik for whitecoats, and act like you’re a disciple of theirs. Why didn’t you just go on a nice retreat? Surely there’s somewhere you can get away from prying eyes, other than putting yourself in a whitecoat detention centre!

Now you’ll just sound whitecoat when you sing. How awful. No one wants to hear a tone of voice that  sings of  backing world-wide torture of the disenfranchised.

If you spruik for the whitecoats, though, well… that’s a big fat pay out. So, you want to take a break from the exhausting tour – and get a lucrative payout from the evil whitecoats that violently and cruelly exploit people for human research, by force, worldwide, and say that the nicety they treat you with, as a celebrity, is what they treat the disenfranchised with when they drag them off and torture them 24/7 indefinitely for the rest of their lives. Get stuffed Michelle,  millions of people worldwide are suffering more violence from whitecoats now because you back these ugly violent cruel monsters that want to rule the world. Their mental health scams, are violent exploitation disguised as benevolence.

You have an option, once you're over your exhaustion - and that's to speak out against psychiatrists and what they do to us. Advocate for absolute prohibition of forced treatment and commitment worldwide. Because no one wants to be a laboratory specimen, but that's what a Public Health Order/ Mental Health legislation subjects people to - violent, cruel exploitation. The whitecoat violators must be stopped, NEVER spruiked for.


‘In the statement that Williams shared on Tuesday, she wrote, “For years I have dedicated myself to increasing awareness of mental health and empowering people to recognize when it’s time to seek help, support and guidance from those that love and care for your wellbeing. “Today I proudly, happily and healthily stand here as someone who will continue to always lead by example as I tirelessly advocate for the betterment of those in need.” Many fans of the singer have commented on her Instagram post in support, including her former bandmate Beyoncé’s mother, Tina Knowles, who wrote, “Keep being a warrior and an advocate for you. I love and support you with all my being.”’-

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Equal Recognition before the Law?

This is what the public think all people subjected to forced psychiatry are – a person using Mental Health legislation to get a lighter sentence, and they think forced psychiatry is talk-therapy, with some feel-good drugs:
  1. ‘Brennan had been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social dysfunction, anxiety and depression. Judge Duncan Allen described the case as “very serious offending with tragic consequences” but one with compelling and mitigating circumstances. He detailed Brennan’s history of mental illness and drug addiction following a young adulthood of abuse, “torment”, depressive illness and suicidal ideation. Judge Allen said he needed to deter “others from driving like maniacs on the road, like you did”. But he added, “the depth of your genuine and true remorse and contrition is so powerful”, adding Brennan would not receive adequate psychiatric care in jail and her condition would deteriorate.’
The public are angry that this woman, who killed a man, while driving under the influence of an illegal drug, may end up only serving 3 years, of the 6 years she’s been sentenced. They think stuff this woman trying to excuse her crimes. They think stuff all those ‘mentally ill’ people. And those protesting being violated by psychiatrists.

  1. ‘At a hearing two weeks ago Wilson’s defence team argued imprisonment could worsen Wilson’s many chronic illnesses, that included diabetes, heart and Alzheimers disease and depression, and may put him at risk of assault from fellow inmates.’

Is this Equality before the Law? No. Considering the victims of paedophiles are still being subjected to arbitrary detention, and forced psychiatry (which by the way is not feel good drugs, it’s horrible debilitating, destructive disabling, unwanted drugs, electrocution, isolation, vilification, shackling, and surgical procedures designed to cause lesions on the brain.

Conflating someone who covered up paedophilia, like Archbishop Wilson, with someone who was subjected to that violence when they were a child – that’s what psychiatrists do under Mental Health legislation, such as the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014 do. Only, psychiatrists don’t treat the Wilson’s of this world to the violence they treat the victims of Wilson’s paedophilia cover-up.

People who started off in the psychiatric system because their circle of friends/ family thought they needed assistance to talk things through, or wean off a drug like marijuana, or because of a reaction to racism, or other vilification, a reaction that wasn’t a criminal offense, but concerned people because it ‘sounded strange’… for attempting to report violence that happened to you, for being upset, for attempting to talk about EMF/ EMR or chemical pollution, for being considered too thin… this group of people get violently exploited, shut up and shut down. They're not allowed to even communicate the horror they're being subjected to, as being horrific without being labelled 'non-compliant' and subjected to worse abuses.

Psychiatry attempts to confuse everything by giving excuses to the scum like Archbishop Wilson, and accuse people who are upset by people like Wilson, of having the same mentality as Archbishop Wilson when they have NOT done anything criminal – so psychiatrists can procure victims for vile, cruel lucrative human experimentation – and let those high up scum who cover-up the whitecoat crimes to get off freely and easily.

Garth Daniels - the public don't recognise the reality of his situation– he is being unlawfully detained. 
20 years of his life, taken into arbitrary detention while psychiatrists make use of him as a laboratory specimen. For what? Because that’s the why Australian legislation is?
Why are people not standing in the street protesting?!

Garth Daniels, who, has not committed any crime, yet is not only subjected to the most severely destructive abuses of forced psychiatry for 20 years. He is then, while being detained and tortured under the unlawful Mental Health legislation, charged with assault for fighting back physically while nurses and guards were shackling him and forcing drugs into his body that he clearly, said he did not consent to, verbally, every time he was being attacked by these nurses doing the bidding of psychiatrists, and in writing to the United Nations CRPD committee.
Came and took him in his prime
Forced him to endure their poison
Electrocuted him, tied him up
And told him they wouldn’t stop
Until he submitted to their needs,
That he must agree with their accusations
And take the poisons willingly.
Strong and defiant
He would not play their evil game.
Forced medicine is unlawful, it does not matter what a person is accused of doing, forced medical treatments and scientific research are not permissible by force to those who do not consent, yet they are being forced systematically in Australia and for massive profits. So, here’s Garth Daniels, then charged with assault for fighting back, yet denied the legal capacity to plead self-defence. Not having the right to refuse violent, cruel, inhuman treatment psychiatrists in this era labeled ‘medicine’ while they conduct their human research.

Psychiatrists apparently even refused to bring his body in the court, for a Habeas Corpus writ.

Garth is still in indefinite detention being subjected to the most massive, soul destroying, painful doses of neuroleptics – because he says he does not consent to the psychiatrists’ demands, and that he will not take the neuroleptics willingly. Garth is being subjected to the most horrific isolation, while deprived of his liberty without being given equal recognition before the law, because he doesn’t agree to be a laboratory specimen, he doesn’t agree torture and arbitrary detention is good for him.

FOR WHAT reason is this violence being inflicted on Garth Daniels?
For fighting back against torturers? For saying ‘no’ he will not go quietly and be assaulted and battered? then say he’s okay with that? No one is meant to be okay with that kind of abuse!

To add insult to injury his visitors are told that they’re not allowed to speak another language than English, even when they were speaking English. And, really is that something that should be permissible in Australia? No way! that's racist to demand people speak English only.

But to Gaslight the situation and say that people must speak English when communicating with their loved one who is deprived of liberty by medico-political exploiters legislating for exploitation, and even when they were speaking English escort them away so the Garth is further isolated! They just have way too much power over what is real and what is not, way to much power to breach boundaries decent societies consider horrifically unethical.

Unfortunately, Garth is not alone, he’s among many millions of victims of psychiatrists, though most do not have a family who understands how-to stand up to authority gone wrong. Most people in Australia are too afraid of going against medico-eugenics propaganda that has its fingers in the government pie. Most people in Australia are too indoctrinated by that propaganda, they have the wool firmly pulled over their eyes and trust that whitecoats know ‘better’ than the person they know best.

That's when the Compulsory Patient breaks under torture, and gets called a 'consumer', when they don't have the social support to keep up their morale, and think their only option is to play the game, which is both horribly degrading, Gaslighting, and indoctrinating to spend years reiterating what the psychiatrists want their victims to say. 

Most of all, the population is indoctrinated into thinking that the Victims of Psychiatrists, don’t exist, and that Mental Health Acts are ‘caring’ and the population, when they think of a person subjected to forced psychiatry they think of people, who are likely to never be subjected to forced psychiatry, or even jail, yet they’ll use the medicalisation in court to get them home detention, or something like. Those people who do horrific crimes – like the Archbishop Philip Wilson, who because of they have done evil all their life and covered up for evil, their scum has floated to the top of the power structure. And they don’t even get detained, let alone shackled, isolated, injected with neuroleptics, nor even put in a prison.

No one wants to consume psychiatry's array of abuses. 
No one wants to be exploited as a laboratory specimen in the cruel, horrific way that psychiatrists do.

Understandably someone who has done something horrible, the public want justice. But - when are the public going to start looking to stop those in power, the psychiatrists from doing horrible, violence, lucrative exploitation to people like Garth Daniels, then vilifying the victim by pronouncing that they 'don't know what he might do' when he hasn't done anything more than fight back a little when cornered by those who were and are still torturing him to death.

Would you fight back against torturers? Would you do it by instinct? or because you thought there was a chance you might get free? Or would you have extraordinary control in a horrendously violent situation, and be passively resisting and still called a 'danger' and 'aggressive' because you told the psychiatrists and nurses, 'I do not consent to the drugs you demand I take.' Or would you, just give in straight away, because psychiatrists are an authority?

Not much choice is there? That's because the Mental Health legislation in Australia is legislation dating back to the eugenics era, where putting in exploitative, nebulous policy to violently abuse people via lucrative means, was always something the population would agree to, as long as it was dressed up royally by 'appointed experts' who were touted as 'benevolent' when they were being their most violent.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Exploiting deaths from poisoning for whitecoat propaganda

A liturgy of whitecoat propaganda hitting the media in the form of articles, attempting to purport with alliteration that EVERYONE, even those who are rich need to pay psychiatrists for… having their buttons depressed.

Well who is depressing their buttons so that they need to be ‘reset’ by psychiatrists, who actually have the gall to compare people to machines and propagate lies about ‘chemical imbalances’ and electrocution resetting of human thinking.
Humans are not your modem. Get away from us you ugly whitecoats that want to procure more specimens for human experimentation. Of course you want high profile people who are desperate and gullible enough to fall for your rubbish. If they commit one crime, you can procure them for your benevolent dictatorship of the world, get them for life for promoting your products.
Yes, people who are considered ‘successful’ and ‘wealthy’ do suicide, through guilt, abuse, or bullying. And of course in the fashion world some fashion designers feel guilty about their sweatshops and pollution. As whitecoats and journalists should feel guilty from their profits from exploiting millions of people forcibly for human experimentation under Mental Health Legislation.

And, suicide isn’t always suicide. That’s the main reason why suicide is an issue, people want to know if it actually was done by the person, or if the person was being abused by those around them, or if they were actually murdered.

When I look at recent pictures of Kate Spade, I see something most people don’t recognise – psychiatric drugs. I can tell by the way they pull at the muscles of the face, and dull the eyes. I should know, I was subjected to them by forced for 14 years. Psychiatric drugs are painful and delibilitating. For people who are subjected to chemicals in fabric dyes andstiffeners, Personal Products, cleaning products and grow sensitive to thesechemicals – these psychiatric drugs have an even more devastating effect.

Where is the actual thing that is the disease? Years and years of government grants to find this category of ‘disease’ and nothing, nothing, nothing. Time to stop donating money to whitecoats so they can bribe the media and political parties for more money to tell the population they have fictional diseases. Being bullied, or grieving is not a disease you ugly whitecoat pricks.

When journalists want to call the effects of psychiatric drugs the ‘disease of depression’, you know they’re paid propaganda. Those who listen to this propaganda are either desperate, bullied, have no choice, or dullards who venerate whitecoats like psychiatrists' bollocks is golden.

You know what psychiatric drugs do to people? Cause them to suicide, because the drugs are poison. It’s on all the drug websites, because when the chemicals were tested on people, for marketing purposes, they found a number of people took their lives due to the effects. And poisoning doesn’t discriminate, if you have money or no money, being poisoned isn’t fun. Plus it’s also disorientating, confusing – especially when you’re surrounded by people who are being paid to propagate lies, paid a lot of money to scam the public about poisonous whitecoat products being ‘healthy.’ It's a major scam and very depressing for the people who fall for it.

Cesspit they are, their ‘successful drugs’ forced on unwilling people, their ‘popular drugs’ forced on unwilling people. Never a mention of how those forced and coerced drugs caused a person to die, that would be unprofitable for the mainstream-media to report. You utter sucks who fall for it, when you should be suing the whitecoats, to stop the vile poisons everyone has to put up with in the air, the vile drugs forced on people through unlawful Public Health Orders. Get with it, stop propagating lies you ugly whitecoats who used to be called leach-men/ women, and still should. You ugly whitecoats - you're parasites.