Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Violent Victorian Authorities

Under the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014 
police are systematically called to force a civilian into a psychiatrists' facility, 
if a person disagrees with a medical authority's demands.

Victim: Where's your warrant? What's the charge?
Victorian Police: We don't have one, we don't need one, this is not a police charge, you're not being charged with a crime. We’re concerned about your mental health (and therefore we can give you the hamburger with the lot, which will soften you up for the whitecoats who need you back in the laboratory, nice and compliant with all their lucrative experimentation… only we’re just police and don’t know all about that, we’re just doing what we’re told – making you compliant.)

Being ‘concerned about deterioration of Mental Health’, means a person can be beaten up by police, arbitrarily detained by psychiatrists and the Government and subjected to 24/7 indefinite invasive, cruel treatments. Yet, if a person gets hit by a car, the pedestrian-hit-by-the-car can say to the Ambulance staff (a witness to the road accident called) that they don’t wish to go to hospital for tests and treatments, and while there's a possibility the accident-victim may well be hemorrhaging internally in a life-threatening way, that doesn't mean force will be used, all the ambulance staff will do is persuade kindly, and reason, but ultimately it is up to the person to decide, and so it should be. No one should be subjected to forced medical treatments. To ill a person’s mentality, then use this as a reason to bring them into a whitecoat facility where dubious treatments are forced on a person, that have a long history of killing and maiming is just diabolical. 

'Concerned about his deteriorating mental state' - a cold meaningless phrase that enables authorities to do violence.

Never use the terms of whitecoats. Just don’t. They’re just an excuse for authorities to violate people. Calling a person’s mentality ‘ill’ is so subjective, and so abusive, but nothing is worse than being dragged off and tortured by these whitecoats.

People who think it is okay to call authorities on people - who are not doing anyone any harm, who are not a crime - you are the problem!

The Victorian Mental Health Act needs to be repealed. Police should not be knocking on a person’s door without warrant or charge, and then, softening them up for whitecoats (CATT) to easily drag off, to further abuse forcibly for lucrative human research. It just shouldn’t be happening. But it happens because people believe the lie that a person should be subjected to forced medicine, if some psychologist, or social worker, or other white-coterie says they’re concerned about a person’s ‘deteriorating mental health.’ But what actually does that really mean? It means authorities have the authority under the Mental Health Act 2014 to abuse that person.

Victoria, Australia is in violation of International Law

The CRPD Committee has asked Australia to stop forced psychiatric interventions, to never force medical treatments, to repeal legislation that discriminates on the basis of perceived or actual disability. That means labeling a person's mentality 'ill' and using that label as a way to persecute them in the most diabolically cruel way, is not something the Australian people are meant to be comfortable with doing, they're not meant to be okay with that at all. Please find a way to get the Victorian Mental Health Act abolished. I have a petition to do this, you may wish to sign it and/ or write another, or stand in the streets and protest.

Do what it takes to repeal this violent, cruel nebulous discriminatory legislation, that arbitrarily detains, tortures 24/7 indefinitely and is done without a warrant or charge to 10, 000 Victorians last year, who refused to go voluntarily to be violently exploited by the disgusting hideously evil whitecoats.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Reduce Human Exposure to Toxic Substances

Petition 63 final
Legislative Council E-Petitions Victoria, Australia
E-petition Number
Reduce Human Exposure to Toxic Substances
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the hazard of personal products being brought into workplaces and community spaces causing accumulation of petroleum-based and other toxic chemicals to a hazardous level.
High exposure to toxic chemicals in personal products disables people to the extent that they are not able to work. Human bodily immune system reactions may manifest in allergies, asthma, cancer, lowered productivity and emotional suffering, which often gets a referral to a psychiatrist. This does not help the situation, as the workplace hazard is not investigated and more exposure to toxic chemicals results.
Currently hospitals are not healthy places for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, as hospitals have chemicals such as Propylene Glycol (a petroleum-based substance that mimics cell chemotaxis) in the food, air and medicines. This is something of particular concern when Victoria still has draconian arbitrary detention on the basis of perceived disability and forced treatments under the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014. These products are forced on people who may already be suffering an overdose of petroleum-based chemicals and be subsequently sensitised due to these treatments. Deodorants, perfumes and other personal products and the psychiatric medicines that are forced on a person cause severe suffering.
Repealing the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014 has also been requested by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Committee, as discrimination on the basis of disability, arbitrary detention and forced medicine is illegal under this signed and ratified covenant.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to —
(1)           ban the use of petroleum-based deodorants, perfumes, and other toxic products in the workplace;
(2)           advocate and move towards fume free spaces;
(3)           make it a WorkSafe policy to have workplaces free from toxic deodorants and perfumes;
(4)           make it mandatory for safety masks to be worn should hazardous products be necessary in the workplace; and
(5)           repeal the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014 on the basis that forcing people with sensitivities, allergies, asthma, cancer and other reactions or vulnerabilities to the high levels of toxins in hospital spaces and medicines is unethical and unhealthy.
Closing Date
PLEASE SIGN HERE if you live in Victoria, Australia:

Forced Human Experimentation

Forced Human Experimentation
E                                              G
Forced Human Experimentation is not okay
B                                  E
You’ve got to say it is not okay.

D                     G
Equality before the Law
C                      A
Is all we are asking for
D                     G
Equality before the Law
C                      A
Is not much to ask for.

E                                              G
Forced human experimentation is disgusting
B                                  C                                              E
You shouldn’t allow your governments to legislate such a thing
E                                              G
Forced human experimentation is diabolical
B          C                                  E
Stop this exploitation of human beings.
E                                  G                    
So when is the mainstream media
B                      C                                              E
Going to discuss this disgusting breach of human rights.

C                             B            
Give our citizens freedom from torture
A#                               A
Repeal those nebulous laws
C                             B            
No more persecution
A#                               A
For diabolical exploitation.

 4th fret           5th fret
We’ve got to repeal the Mental Health Acts
3rd fret
Those nebulous acts designed to exploit
4th fret           5th fret
We’ve got to abolish the Mental Health Act
3rd fret                                             2nd fret
Because they’re violent government statute law.

Amin                                                  Dmj               
Psychiatry should not be above the law
Dmin                                                  Amin
Discriminating on the basis of perceived disability,
Amin                                      Dmj                Dmin 
That’s human traits, cognitive and social diversity.
It’s not in good faith, it’s not in good faith
Dmj                Dmin                          Amin
Invasive, cruel, degrading forced human research.
It’s not in good faith, it’s not in good faith
Dmj                Dmin              Amin
Don’t say that they torture in good faith.
It’s not in good faith, it’s not in good faith
Dmj                Dmin              Amin
Don’t say that this is truly medicine
C                                  B          
Psychiatry should not be an arm of the law
A#                               A min
No one deserves to be a laboratory specimen.

C                                  B           
Give our citizens freedom from torture
A#                                A min
Repeal those nebulous laws
C                                  B          
No more persecution
A#                    A min
For diabolical exploitation.

D                             G
Equality before the Law
C                             A
Is all we are asking for
D                             G
Equality before the Law
C                             A
Is not much to ask for.

E                                              G
Forced Human Experimentation is not okay
B          C                      E
You’ve got to say it is not okay.
E                                  G
Abolish psychiatry immediately
E                                  G
Stop this exploitation of human beings
E                                  G
Psychiatry’s abuse has been going on
B                       C                    
200 years too long.
E                                       G
Replace this eugenics-based cruelty
B                           C
With reparations that we need.
E                 G
No more exploitation
B                        C                 E
Reparations are what we need.