Don’t need to turn up the volume on people
Who’ve been abused by psychiatry.
We’re already LOUD
Because we have every right to be allowed!
We, who’ve been abused by psychiatry
Are unshushable!
As we have every right to be heard!
Yet… we get told to shut-up, or we’ll be shut-up.
We get our volume turned down, down, down,
By those who say that our thinking is wrong,
That we must be compliant, we must obey
What doesn’t make sense, what is nonsense,
Just lies told to benefit pockets of medical thugs.
And then, the volume is turned up to high
On those masochists who say they are okay
With being drugged by psychiatrists.
Our protest is denied a large audience,
We, the unshushable, are actively
Discriminated against and again, threatened,
Assaulted, abused and forced against our will
To agree to the unagreeable disgust of psychiatry.
Those protesting ill treatment via psychiatry,
Who should be allowed to talk
Are told they are wrong to ever complain
About the hideous brain-damage
Of forced psychiatric treatment regimes.
They are told this harm was ‘care’ and ‘help.’
Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! Lies! Packets of lies!
Teams of psychiatric professional torturers
Are brought in to justify their wrong doings
And the media circus does its routine.
Ugly show, ugly show, mean, mean, mean!
Means to an end for justifying their schemes.
And the people who are abused by psychiatry
Are told to keep quiet, or else, or else
They will be forced to suffer more treatments.
Our rights to have an opinion are denied.
Our rights to freedom from torture gone awry
With so-called scientific justifications.
The broadcasters suffer through their imbalance,
As they turn down the volume on the protest;
Those loud angry people who should be allowed,
Those protesting psychiatry erroneously shushed.
The broadcasting media then offer an interview
To a psychiatrist writing a paper about people
He used as ‘subject matter’ for his tests.
Tests to find a pop-a-pill panacea and all the rest
Of the crock that comes with quick-fix charlatans.
This arse-hole laughs and shares time with listeners
And angry ears grow red with this verbal abuse
As he talks about how he helped himself
To some people he labels, ‘mentally ill.’
He vomits out his sickness onto the airwaves.
We, the unshushable want to scream in outrage,
But we keep quiet, knowing who’s in power.
We’re not stupid, we know what happens
When we pipe-up and tell them our all.
But reason is something and sense is sense
And human-rights cannot forever be
Crushed and shushed and made to feel dead;
Social-justice in humanity is too far entrenched.
People may become frightened,
But the truth cannot be forever buried
In a brain-wash of fear-inducing prejudiced
Hoopla that supervises the cash to fund these
Idiotically abusively discriminatory broadcasts.
We reach out from our graves and make a stance,
We show all the past and reflect on the present.
We scream into blogs and places of sanctity.
We who are abused by psychiatry
Are unshushable in the minds of the truly sane.
We who are abused by psychiatry
Are unshushable in the minds of those
Who think enough to understand beyond
The current cruel dictatorship.
We who are abused by psychiatry
Are unshushable in the minds of the humane.
Anyone who has a conscience knows
They cannot keep their inner-sense down for long,
It rises up and speaks out eventually – loud and clear
Allowed, and so loud, it is unshushable.
Everyone then wonders what the hell
Has been going on to shush the unshushable.
These horrors of psychiatry are unshushable!
When the conscious speaks, its words are
Unshushable unshushable, because