Saturday, December 24, 2016

Scam Industries should not be funded & enforced by government policy

People want to want to call people out as ‘crazy’ and not be told that that is unacceptable, that is one thing, then there are those people who do whitecoterie and think they're PC. Usually what people don’t get is that it is the terms they think are PC that are unacceptable to psychsurvivors. People have to recognise the regime we’re living under. And they're not going to be told that by the mainstream media, today... let's hope they will tomorrow.

I like people who make sense. I sometimes feel though, even those who make sense in one way, don’t understand something else, and think they do. Those who use whitecoterie terms of abuse, accuse, label, say that you, or they, 'have to work on mental health’… or use the term, 'I am... [insert derogatory fictional DSM diagnosis]'. I just think, stop it, stop repeating the sheep-bleat psychiatric prayers. People who might’ve made sense, in another way, but what’s the point if they have no idea about the thing that makes the world so messed up? The point can be, they're just saying it, because they feel if they don't, they'll be hauled off to hospital when they want to spend Christmas & New Year with their families & friends.

Psychiatry is eugenics, the Mental Health Association, formally the Mental Hygiene Association, ideology is eugenics, and funded by eugenics enforcers. You are totally stupefied propaganda and/or just evil if you subscribe to the nonsense that is psychiatry and the Mental Health Association's systematic abuse of human lives.

Media haven't been all that responsible in reporting Forced Human Experimentation via the psychiatric regime. They've created this mess by advertising way too much to be legitimate. And mainstream media prefer aggressive people, to psychsurvivors who have been poisoned, electrocuted and verbally abused for years and years...

Whitecoat 'feminists', do they exist in an entire profession that is misogynist? No. Whitecoats are liars by trade, and they attempt to usurp activists so they can write propaganda more effectively. This is a scam, a mass-marketing of misogynistic madness and should not be funded and enforced by government policy, but at the moment, it still is, as it has been for over 208 years.

Whitecoats are not an ally to any oppressed group of people. They may call themselves 'feminists' when that's not who they are. Hell, we live in a world where men will claim to be 'feminist', when they're not in any way even an ally to feminists.

‘Consciousness alone does not necessarily mean that patients are competent to make decisions about treatment or participation in research trials' says well it wouldn't to those who have no conscience and are in the psychiatric department and want to force participation in 'research trials'! Misogynists have a habit of using people for what they want if they can de-humanise the person enough.

I don’t think some people understand what it is to be female and a psychsurvivor, then told by whitecoats who call themselves ‘feminists’ that we have to STFU.

This is what Monash whitecoats think JUSTICE is, ‘although it may seem unfair to conduct research on people who are in emergency care situations, where the research merit principle is fulfilled, there must be fair access to participation opportunities.’

Yeah, they want 'fair access' to our bodies, to do what they like with. And, they get it, through Mental Health Laws, that those whitecoat 'feminists' think need to be kept so they can continue to encroach on us for profits, power and muck.

'Unfair'?! it is one of the most hideous human rights violations, to use people, against their will for invasive torturous human experimentation and call this 'necessary treatment'.

Alarming isn't it? ‘Research without consent (RWC) is currently permissible in certain situations under specific conditions in the US, EU member states, Canada, and Australasia.’

The reason why when psychiatry does a bring-in, it is called 'an emergency' and the person is said to have 'impaired decision-making capacity'.

Most people don't know this is the way it is though. If they did, they would be protesting against it.

Psychiatry is the reason there is the trans industry lobby with BIG MONEY behind it, it is the reason that women who stand up to misogyny can be so beaten up by this 'western' regime of cruelty so that they don't bother ever saying anything again, even when cornered by violators. Psychiatry is a regime that attacks marginalised people, or people that support marginalised people. If marginalised/ oppressed people support psychiatry they are betraying their own people and in the pay of whitecoats, or really, really gullible (often they are in the corner and think it is the only way to survive). If feminists support psychiatry they are NOT feminists. They usually work, or benefit from Scam Industries either financially, or socially. Scam industries: Body Modification Industry, Porn, Psychiatry, Fashion Industry, Pharms... doing misogynist 'Transformations'. I'm amazed that this trans propaganda has got people to volunteer for these procedures... proves that whitecoats can sell anything, especially when they hijack activism, and have a lot of money to pay for making sure the 'trans' story is put in front of any real activism. Solution #AbolishPsychiatry they're the crazy-making spin-doctors who are still forcefully using people for Human Experimentation and peddling this nonsense. 

'Gender Dysphoria' is one of the many fictional 'mental illnesses' concocted by psychiatrists in the DSM 5. The DSM is the eugenics bible, it propagates lies about humanity via government policy and in some countries will forcefully drug, electrocute or do surgery on people due to them being diagnosed. In Iran, homosexuals are diagnosed with 'Gender Dysphoria' and forced to undergo invasive reassignment surgeries and chemical injections. There are many activists that are mentally-illed for political reasons. Psychiatry has been doing Forced Human Experiments for 208 years on the population, and relies on this enslaving of the population to test drugs & procedures, there are some people who are coerced (under duress, or in the same way as scam industries do with other kinds of surgery, fashion & pills). 'Mental illness' is a slur, because the psychiatric regime, is a regime of huge oppression for over 1/4 of the population, subjecting them to 24/7 indefinite torture and arbitrary detention. At the moment in most countries those diagnosed with 'Gender Dysphoria' are not subject a forced Human Experiment (though it has been so in the past.)

There is no trans 'movement', it is psychiatry, the psychiatric regime, and they don't have to borrow anything, that's just what they have always used for 'early intervention' as an excuse for enslaving children into Human Laboratory Experiments. Bogus science, harmful industry. #AbolishPsychiatry.

Everything is all the go in the acting/ performance industry, you can be a tree or the rear-end of a donkey. You can act for money, or you can do it for ‘fun’ (on amateur circuits) but you know, it is acting. Sometimes acting is more bound by stereotypes than any other industry, which makes watching TV and mainstream films really annoying. But when people go around saying they’re the rear-end of a donkey, and I must refer to them as that in real life, then I’m waiting for the point where you’re going to wrap-up the joke you’re telling, because I’m then going to pin you as a comedian, because acting off stage, generally means someone is spieling for some industry… You want to spiel for the fashion and body modification industry, I’m not interested. You want to spiel for psychiatry, go to HELL. Hurry up and get to the point of your transformation joke 'butterfly', I don't want your yellow dye margarine you spouted for years was more healthy than butter until you got exposed. Keep up your farting while your front end brays, 'rear end' I'm not buying into what you're selling and if you're not making me laugh with you, then I'm thinking you have no idea you are a joke... and that's really sad, and you're likely trying to sell me some scam of whatever I don't want, and hope you can pull off the 'illusion'.

I’m thinking of all the people who have been shut-up and shut down this holiday season, while everyone else is partying. I’m thinking of those people who are being Forcefully used for Human Experimentation, enslaved as laboratory specimens by the psychiatric regime. I want my community to start protesting for these people subjected to 24/7 indefinite torture and arbitrary detention. Children subjected to forced neuroleptics and other harmful drugs are given no choice, neither are adults in their prime, or the elderly who are abused (often fingered to whitecoats by relatives, or people they thought they trusted). Really sad when my state, Victoria, actually wants to also put in force 'Euthanasia legislation' to bump of those they are torturing, so to trial their death drugs. People coerced under duress are not voluntary, but that won't stop the whitecoats.

The transformation of intelligent people, attempting to speak out against traumatising social circumstances (or past abuses) into shut-down twitching poisoned beaten up people is horrendous. The effects of those horrible drugs forced into them are not ‘progression of the disease’ it is people suffering forced poisoning via government legislated psychiatry forced on them. There is no excuse for it that isn’t horrific victim-blaming propaganda. How could any parent do this to an innocent child? They trust medicos and don’t even listen to what their child is saying.

You want to modify your body with chemicals and surgeries and fashion industry scams… you do it, but do NOT do it to others, and you do not coerce  or force children or vulnerable adults in into it. Do not allow the laws of your country to continue forcing this horror on people. Don’t be a bystander, or go along with those paid shrills who use plainsfolk propaganda to pretend they’re not a whitecoat troll on the payroll.

I had hoped the psychiatric regime would end in 2016. Obviously there needs to be more effort on the part of the population that is too stupified to think through the propaganda of whitecoats and their attempt to pose as ‘activists’ for those they mentally-ill. And I mean it, if you subscribe to whitecoat propaganda you really, really, really don’t think much at all beyond what you’re fed, taught and told to think say and do.

'My views are not based on research published in reputable scientific publications. My opinions are empirically founded: I have personal experience from being a psychiatric patient for 23 years. I have been harassed, treated with utter disrespect and sheer physical violence. (Please note: I have never been harmful to myself nor others.) I’ve been subject to dramatic involuntary commitment and forced medical treatment. All of which resulted in emotional and physical damage I still suffer from today. It would probably be easier to live with my horrific memories had my own experiences been unfortunate and based on unprecedented interventions which my perpetrators were punished for committing. The sad fact is that nobody apologizes. Nobody was punished.'

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

208 years of Forced Human Experimentation

Insulin Shock, was considered to be a 'cure' from the 1920s until the 1960s, when it was replaced by neuroleptic chemical lobotomies. It wasn't a cure, or help (like most of psychiatry's abuses on humans) it killed many, caused brain-damage, and none of those people who survived the suffering of it were compensated, or allowed to speak to mainstream media to gain validation for being forced into these horrible human experiments.

A survivor of Insulin Shock writes,'My insulin-induced hunger or forced starvation was intense and excruciatingly painful. It went to the core of my very being. There are two types of insulin shock – coma and subcoma, I got the latter. However, I once went into a coma which Dr. Sharpe and other psychiatrists never warned me about, and which is carefully omitted on my medical chart.'

Society must start to consider how insulin is NOW being used by medicos to murder people. That this FORCED human experimentation, has yielded data on how to kill people, that medicos have access to the precise details of. Here's some articles that expose those murdering medicos:

It is understood that a certain dose of Clozapine will kill people, just as insulin will. Clozapine is being currently experimented on, in Australia, over and above other kinds of drugs in psychiatry's array of chemicals, even though it is an old drug, that prior to 2014, was forced, or coerced on people (under duress) as a 'last resort', because it was highly dangerous and needed to be monitored, and often killed people. There is most likely a vested interest in finding out whether it is reliable to kill people, or perhaps being used for trials to do with lowing the white blood-cell count. Companies that do Human Research into blood disorders, may be beneficiaries of people who are enslaved into this human experimentation. These companies may well even pay for the data. If that is not going on, then, there's a lot of extra monitoring of people's blood and heart etc... because they've been placed on this drug, often with other drugs, to see the effects. And, in Australia a $60 billion dollar tax bill per year, to pay for this unwanted Forced Human Experimentation, that causes 24/7 indefinite torture to millions of Australians every year.

'A senior psychiatric practitioner made the verbatim statement that, Quote: “Eastern Health (Upton House) has no other effective treatment options other than ECT, as the family refuses to consider clozapine. We believe his (Garth’s) current medication regime is ineffective”. Unquote. Such an admission in our view, "we say" contravenes both agreed medical conventions on this very high-risk forced medication approach.'

This is obviously a grant to look at the effects of Clozapine on diabetes and heart conditions. (MECTA that make ECT machines, linked to Pfizer via an umbrella pharmaceutical company, most likely also involved. Although ECT is often just used as a threat that is carried through to get a person to agree to whatever the psychiatrist wants).

There are probably experiments perhaps done on changing person's blood-type, but I'm not sure why this would be immediately financed or of interest to those investing in it. I'm just aware that mine changed, and there is, if you look it up a medical understanding on how a disease like rubella, or other stressors can change a person's blood-type.

Psychiatric drugs, particularly the neuroleptics, are one of the most horrendous tortures in the world, shutting down a person's ability to self-advocate, making a person an invalid, making a person in constant pain, as well as inarticulate.

NB: The approvals covered access to medical records without patient consent

Look further at this document here:

208 years of Forced Human Experimentation, that is the history of psychiatry, and it hasn't stopped, it has increased. It is time for Investigative Journalists to start really looking into what the psychiatric regime is doing in Australia and other countries in the world. Robert Whitaker (Investigative Journalist, USA) has been marvellous in being able to understand and listen to people who have suffered psychiatry, and get their point of view heard. However, it is rare in Australia, for journalists to take our side, and in speaking to journalists hoping they are on our side, we often find that they have vested interests and they end up writing for those who perpetrate the wrongs on us, distorting and misquoting us. It is horrible, as psychsurvivors to constantly see the perpetrators of forced human experimentation, being allowed their point-of-view, because of the greed of journalists and publications.

I'm thinking the vested interest for most journalists in their pitching of a story to magazines, TV, or radio, is advertising, and while psychiatric drugs are not directly advertised on TV, the company that makes the popular toothpaste advertisement, the shampoo, the skin cream... is the same company that makes the neuroleptics forced on Australian Citizens against their will.

Then, there are the donations to the political parties... and that means ABC will be put under some kind of pressure, probably more than commercial media, no matter what party gets in. To do an expose on government crimes against citizens, is one thing, to expose their sponsors, another.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dehumanisation, psychiatry & excuses for lechers

Of course Trump isn’t crazy/ mentally-illed, the little girls he lechered are. All through the USA campaign, there has been this theme of calling out the politicians with the only terms that won’t get them in legal hot-water, the only industry that is still funded by governments world-wide to enslave innocent citizens, into the worst kind of work possible, the work no-one wants to do, the work no one should ever be asked to do, let alone used for against their will: being enslaved as a medical laboratory specimen.

All too often perpetrators of horrible crimes against women and girls, are in top government jobs, validating the horrible abuses perpetrated. Those women and girls traumatised and re-traumatised by those who continue to make violation a pathway to power.

I find it horrible that anyone plays into the psychiatric regime and uses psychiatrisms, I find it horrible that anyone defends misogyny, verbal and physical abuse. I find it horrible when people vilify a person because of the way they look or where they come from has been subjected to genocide and slavery. I find it horrible that it is these articles that get published in newspapers, the ones that perpetuate the wrongs. And I find it horrible that there is no widespread outrage being allowed to surface in newspapers for the quarter of the population that is tortured and enslaved by psychiatry, used as human laboratory specimens for filthy money making scams, then vilified by the public use of these terms of abuse, as if psychiatrisms are a simple name call with no consequence for the marginalised and oppressed who get hauled in by white-coat perpetrators.
‘Sometimes people have different opinions, sometimes people behave in ways that others might not think are "right", but that doesn’t make them any less human…’ writes Weinberg, then goes on to say, ‘When we dehumanise others, we deny them attributes that we typically associate with being human – the capacity to think rationally, to have emotions, to reason, to be intelligent. It’s just easier to say, “they’re so not like me, they’re not even human”.'
                Weinberg is a psychologist, researching hedonism. She’s just reiterated the dehumanisation of all the people who are coerced under duress and forced to agree to psychiatric labels, yet she defends the misogynist lecher as not having attributes to be diagnosed by psychiatry, ‘Donald Trump is not crazy. He is not a madman, nor a psychopath. He is a very clever businessman and he has contested and won the US presidency. He beat one of America’s most successful political families for the top job. He actually beat the politicians at politics.
‘And he has appealed to more than 60 million Americans who were motivated to vote for him. Are they all crazy too? Or do they have a different opinion about what will better suit their needs at this point in time?
‘It’s easy to decide that people who have different opinions to your own must be crazy. It’s much harder to understand them.’
Um… #RUOkay? If not psychiatrists, psychologists, psychnurses & social workers will #dehumanise you. So many #DoubleStandards in #ForcedPsychiatry.
Of course Trump isn’t crazy, the little girls he lechered are, is that typical victim-blame mentality. It is much easier for Weinberg to 'understand' Trump, because there's money in it for her. Not as though we're in the middle of a Great Depression like the people of her Grandfather's time, but none-the-less, let her Grandfather roll in his grave and whisper, 'Hitler was a businessman too, with many people motivated to vote for him and whitecoats like you my granddaughter backing him.'

I don't forgive the Australian psychologists & psychiatrists & nurses & social workers & politicians who inflict 24/7 indefinite torture and arbitrary detention on Australian citizens, in the name of the 'care' and ‘health’. I don't forgive the population who mindlessly follow the propaganda of the psychiatric regime either, though they are not directly responsible. If you are in this industry of abuse, you need to speak out against it to clear your name, in the hope that you might be forgiven for your past collusion with psychiatric assaults. I will be very happy when psychiatry is abolished. To have this perpetuating corporate entity hanging around for 208 years doing diabolical experiments on human lives in our governments name is hurtful to psychsurvivors. And until Weinberg says something in defence of little girls who get lechered by men like Trump, then mentally-illed by the psychiatric regime and forced to endure 24/7 indefinite torture, arbitrary detention and a quality of life that has them turned into a invalidated invalid (poisoned by the 'medicine' that is said to be the 'cure'), I don’t forgive her.
That said, I am the happiest person in the world, because I know what love is and I know what reality is. I know the difference between acting on behalf of another for pay, being brainwashed by propaganda, and being an authentic human-being. And, I am happy because I am free from being enslaved by the psychiatric regime, that nearly killed me. There is no possibility of being happy while being tortured by psychiatrists and told your oppressors are right and you are wrong, when you attempt to demand justice you get dismissed as 'delusional' and when perpetrators are allowed free, while you are abused by the tax-payer funded psychiatric regime.

Please put psychiatry where it should've been put a long, long time ago:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Sussan Ley's 5th Mental Health plan

Here's Susan Ley's details for people who wish to give her feedback, as Health Minister on her plans, that do not include abolishing forced psychiatry, or even touching on the subject. Her plan outlines a want to expand into rural areas (and put ugly labels on rural people, particularly 1st Nations Peoples), consult, ignore and implement the same-old abuse Susan Ley's report claims to 'work'.

Suite M1 41 , Parliament House Canberra  ACT 2600

 Phone - (02) 6277 7220

 Facsimile - (02) 6273 4146

 Email - correspondence:

Making money by enslaving humans as laboratory specimens does not 'work'. It does not work to turn the citizens of Australia into invalids by forcefully drugging them, electrocuting them - this 24/7 indefinite torture, that psychiatrists insist should be inflicted on people the rest of their life. Psychiatrists are not in any humans best interest, they are only out for their own ugly welfare. They are professional torturers, their abuse is systemic, it is not isolated.

The 5th Mental Health Plan is in consultation with the public. Please tell the evil thugs that forced psychiatry must be abolished. That there is never a reason to forced psychiatry, because psychiatry is never life-saving, and there is never an excuse for enslaving humans as laboratory specimens, never an excuse for shutting a person down and shutting them up, when they are innocent of crime.

Psychiatric assault is the worst kind of torture as it shuts down a persons capacity to communicate, express their protest... and it demands that a person 'play the game' of pretending to be compliant with psychiatry's destruction of their life, in hope to be freed or not given worse treatments that will make their body and mind more of a prison, a prison of 'tranquisers' the chemical lobotomy that is not only physically painful, but really de-humanising.

We need:
·         A national helpline for prescribed drug dependence
·         several Recovery Houses in each state by 2017
·         An end to forced and aggressively coerced psychiatric treatments
BMA uk suggests:
·         the creation of a round-the-clock helpline for prescribed drug dependence
·         a national strategy for specialist services for patients addicted to such medication
·         more robust guidance on managing patients’ withdrawal from drugs.

Psychiatry is very obviously a disgusting breach of human rights, it cannot continue.

Women just should not be forced onto a psychward, by male-prejudice, which happens all too often.

You are a perpetrator if you’re a psychiatrist, if you don’t admit this, then you’re one of the worse kind that hasn’t stopped perpetrating.

Psychiatrists don’t like being accused, yet they’ll regularly accuse people of ridiculous things and torture them because of their accusation.

Women in crisis should not have to be subjected to psychiatric assault & male violence while being forcefully treated. Women need a non-medicalising Recovery House, that employs Open Dialogue or something that the women want.

This article outlines exactly what should be shouted about for psychsurvivors by mainstream media:

the survey for the 5th Mental Health Plan consultation is here:

Petition sent

I have sent the petition I started on to the Health Minister, AHRC & Robert Garran Offices
I am attending the Melbourne consultations and will make sure a hard copy is given to Susan Ley/ associates.

Although psychiatry slavery/torture/abuse/murder... is a Human Rights issue, we cannot ignore that it is the Department of Health that is perpetrating this violence on our community. It is their policy and privacy, that like police and military that is making certain that whitecoats continue to perpetuate crimes against Australian citizens, those visiting Australia, as well as those who are residing or hoping to migrate here.

Susan Ley's 5th Mental Health plan, in discussion, ignores the fact is psychiatry is defying International Law, as Australia has signed & ratified UN CRPD, when Graeme Innes was the president for the Human Rights Commission in Oct 2013, when this petition started. The Australian Commission for Human Rights president (Gillian Triggs) ignores that millions of Australian Citizens who apply to mental health tribunals to stop psychiatry's assault on them, and are not even given lawyers because they're innocent of crime, yet are forcefully subjected to 24/7 indefinite torture and arbitrary detention.

Every day, every year, quarter of our population is subjected to psychiatric assault. These people are terrified into keeping quiet. They are being used in diabolical human experiments, enslaved as laboratory specimens for the profits of this scam industry that takes $60 billion every year from the Australian government and distributes propaganda to say this is 'care' and 'help'.

And it's not just about Australia...

Over 1.5 billion women, men and children need various forms of crisis support when overwhelmed by the grief of social, political and personal oppression, yet instead are subjected to arbitrary detention and 24/7 torture from the psychiatric regime.

Can Amnesty & other human rights organisations start working towards making sure that these courageous people are treated humanely? No one deserves to be tortured then told this is ‘care’ and ‘help’. The widespread denial of justice for people subjected to the psychiatric regime and double-standards in human rights advocacy is outrageous.

Be part of our call to the world’s governments - including Australia - to not only do their fair share to protect and assist people in crisis, (who are often seeking support to expose the horrendous organised crime in our communities) but also end the uniform practice of shutting down and shutting up whistle-blowers, by medicalising the victim-of-crime. Do not allow whitecoats to enslave innocent humans as laboratory specimens anymore – it is disgusting that the psychiatric regime has gone on 208 years already without enough protest from the community.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Scab writing, how disgusting!

Scab writing for whitecoat propaganda... to perpetuate the evils of psychiatry, advertise their drugs, and say nothing to stop the horrendous abuses of forced drugging, electric shock, fetters, psychosurgery, brainwashing, belittling, wrecking of reputation...
When people are trying to stop torture and writers do this scab stuff, its just horrible perpetuation of the abuse via propagating the lies of the psychiatric regime.
There’s a lot of it, here’s an example:

What about a real story about how this word 'stigma' is used by the Mental Health Association campaigns that suck up government funds and demand any experient workers use not only the term 'stigma' but 'consumer worker'. It is horrible, subjugate yourself to fit in with what doesn't make sense, or lose your income. Make a choice. Yes, I know we all want to survive... but who reads this tripe and actually doesn't see the double-standards, the ridiculousness of people drawing a black zero on their palm and saying, 'I am w/hole', which is so close to saying 'I am whore, I am scab...' I'm not even going to give you the link to it, but apparently the Royal effing UK family got into it (though they didn't draw the dirty noughts on their palm).

How about writing about how the word 'stigma' originated from those people who up until the 1960s, if they went through Catholic Psychiatry, rather than Govt Psychiatry, were burnt on their wrists (Stigmata) to get the 'devil' out. Where as the people subjected to Govt Psychiatry had their brains cut out. Which, is more of a jesus eff Christ when you think about it. And so are the chemical and electrical lobotomies that are inflicted on people today.

While I love much of Alison Croggon's writing, this is just a smoker's cough dribbling into a whitecoat's advertise.

Why doesn’t Overland, or SBS publish an article about the torture and arbitrary detention that people are put through 24/7 indefinitely right now? Oh no, SBS would not accept anything but whitecoat propaganda.

Scabs! get out of the way of the Civil Rights Movement

I’m actually really disappointed in these two scabs who penned the above articles. I’ve met them, there is writing of theirs I have respected. Now they stoop so low as to do scab writing. It’s really hard to take, seeing they’ve sat in an audience where they’ve heard me read poetry about the fourteen years of torture psychiatry put me through, IN THEIR NAME. How can they be so utterly selfish, so mindlessly gullible to work for the monsters by spewing out more propaganda.

I want people to say NOT IN MY NAME will my country do this! 24/7 indefinite torture and arbitrary detention is totally evil and illegal.

I send out articles that make far more sense to publish, but I am discriminated against because I am part of a Civil Rights Movement, rather than an advertise for whitecoat propaganda. I am discriminated against because I speak out against psychiatry. I am discriminated against because I will not compromise my integrity, or sacrifice the lives of the 1.5 billion people being tortured by the psychiatric regime, for my own livelihood, let alone for something as stupid as a packet of cigarettes.

Here's an article that is actually worth reading: 'Accepting the application of the word stigma reinforces this prejudice and does nothing to challenge it. We must challenge the status quo not accept it.'

The Guardian is actually being far more progressive in publishing PsychSurvivor articles, rather than those written by scabs, and, this one is UK. Australian mainstream press has been burying any writer who speaks out against psychiatry for 208 years, and it probably won't stop until UK or the USA abolishes the evil that is psychiatry.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Judging victims of torture as ‘burdens’

It decreases stress, to have someone on your side, validating your grief; someone who is able to stand up to those harming you & make them afraid.

Not wise to interact with erroneous accusers who victim-blame & nonsense 200+ years of psychiatry’s Government endorsed abuse of humans.

Victims of psychiatry are not burdens, psychiatrists are

If Robin Williams, before his death, told you how the SSRIs were making him feel suicidal & giving him Parkinsonian symptoms… what then?

If Norma Gene/ Marilyn Munroe had not been subjected to forced psychiatric 'medications' and arbitrary detention... and shamed into silence and suicide at what was done to her by psychiatrists.

If Silvia Plath had not been electrocuted & coerced/forced to take SSRIs that made her feel so suicidal she took her life...

Read more books by psych survivors & know...

  • If you go to a doctor and tell them how to feel, they’ll diagnose you as fcksht and give you some poison to swallow.
  • If you feel like telling a friend how you feel, they tell you to go get checked out by a doctor, as if you want that sleazy drug dealer checking you out!

It takes time to think around 200+ years of psychiatry's propaganda

  • Initially, no one gets it, that psychiatry abuses people, enslaves them as specimens & does not help or heal.
  • Initially, no, the population don't recognise psychiatry's propaganda, they instead vilify the victims of torture & laud psychiatrists.
  • Initially no understanding – society blames the victims & celebrates the whitecoat torturers.

So, what to do about the ignorance? Keep questioning and putting our thoughts out to those who are permitted a platform to speak on behalf of the rest of the world and talk publically about our society's wrongs enough to create awareness. So, yet another question, from the persistent Ms Initially NO (that'd be me), to ABC Q&A to enable their panel to discuss this disgusting human rights abuse, that is forced & coerced torture of people in Australia. Inspired by another of ABC's programs You Cannot Ask that, which has NOT yet included a show for Survivors of Torture/ Psychiatric Regime Survivors. And, there's a reason for that... prejudice? discrimination? victim-blame? Don't touch that with a barge pole or you're labelled 'fcksht' and cannot get sponsorship? Oh! That's right anyone labelled and tortured by psychiatry doesn't have the right to speak out against their abusers, they're only allowed a platform, if they are willing to be a pet specimen for psychiatrists to display on a show about fcksht.

People generally think they can say anything they like to people who are/ have been tortured by the psychiatric regime. But, the truth is, they must stop these psychiatrisms, in the same way as they must stop racism. We really do not need people accusing us of being ‘incoherent’ or ‘crazy’. We know that's the bullying that got us tortured, and is especially insensitive to people who are still being tortured by psychiatry, or those who are being discriminated against for speaking out against psychiatry. We know it is a really subjective thing - perception - that we've been diagnosed as 'diseased' for. And people can attempt to nonsense and pooh-pooh anything they don't wish to allow a discussion of. And, we know they do, on a regular basis.

Psych survivors don't need to be told that we're an organised religion either - that's the propaganda coming out of people's mouths. How abusive are you, to throw that rubbish on us? Speaking out against the torture procedures that psychiatry inflicts on people 24/7 indefinitely, has nothing to do with religion. And, for a 4th generation atheist, like myself, it is just ridiculous.

Read our lips: we did not want to be tortured. Psychiatry tortured us. Psychiatry is currently torturing 1.5 billion people world-wide. Psychiatry's abuse has increased over the 208 years of its official existence so horrifically it mentally-ills quarter of the world's population. Please learn quickly to recognise who psych survivors are, people who have been put through government endorsed torture. Many, many people are suffering under psychiatry, hoping, one day they can be free from the torture of being an enslaved human laboratory specimen. But that cannot happen, until the public are aware of the civil rights movement, until people recognise we need to have absolute prohibition of forced treatment & commitment.

A question to the Q&A panel from a Survivor of Torture

From Q&A here 'I’m a psychiatric survivor. I’ve been subjected to torture via the psychiatric regime, endorsed by our government (this was for over 14 years). I want to know, what you think of me. Do you think that I’ve done something really, really wrong? Or do you think that I’m some ‘religious person’? How else do you want to judge me? Or do you think, that the psychiatric regime is really, really wrong and that something needs to be done about it?'

Article 15: Its Potential to End Impunity for Torture in Psychiatry

Posted on April 2, 2015  by  treatwebcastadmn 
CRPD 13: WNUSP side event on Article 15: Its Potential to End Impunity for Torture in Psychiatry

Rethinking criminal responsibility from a critical disability perspective: The abolition of insanity/incapacity acquittals and unfitness to plead, and beyond - Tina Minkowitz
read HERE

& don't forget my previous post for this child being tortured...

6 year old Florida child taken from her parents by police and forcibly held in psych ward.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Human rights investigations question

Question for Q&A ABC is HERE

Answer this question on Twitter Poll:
Someone is screaming they are going to be tortured, as they are hauled off by authorities. What do you do?
Answer HERE

Friday, July 22, 2016

Terrorist psychiatrists

Dr. Raj Persaud, a psychiatrist and professor at London's Gresham College dehumanises people, terrorises them, forcefully drugs and electrocutes them, as well as giving them an ugly label and demanding that they agree that is who they are... then he gets to write articles to damn his 'specimens' in the public eye. Typical whitecoat propaganda article.

A realistic article, by a psychiatric survivor or ally, might talk about how outrageous the stress of being tortured with psych drugs is, meaning people have few choices, or ability to think through the poison that's forced on them, and on rare occasions fight rather than suicide (or put up with the torture). But that's not what gets on mainstream TV - ever. Nor do those who have the money to put up a legal fight, even when they really, really want the publicity.

Psychiatrists regularly get on the TV, in newspapers, everywhere and win Order of Australias for killing our youth.

Patrick McGorry, a psychiatrist, says on ABC TV News, that people need to be 'properly treated.' To psychiatrists this means having poisons dubbed with the doublespeak term 'medication' forced into their bodies. These poisons enact on the body 24/ 7. Treatment orders from psychiatry can be indefinite. For people who have not committed crimes, and therefore do not have the right to a lawyer, it is very difficult to escape psychiatry's torture of them. You need a lawyer, so you can argue that under the Victorian Human Rights Charter and the United Nations CRPD, it is illegal to be subjected to forced medical treatments, but unless you have money for a legal team, how do people get freedom from psychiatry's torture of them?

It is illegal under International Human Rights Law, to forcefully detain a person who has not committed a crime under the Criminal Code. But, you need a lawyer versed in Human Rights law to do that. See, the criminals have more rights, than the innocent; they have a right to a lawyer. And chemical lobotomisers like McGorry, that make money from torturing people, can get on the news and bad-mouth people who have been enslaved and tortured by psychiatrists, by insinuating that people who have been labelled mentally ill by psychiatry and are not 'properly treated' are potential terrorist threats.

  1. McGorry wants to gain specimens as young as he can, for his particular ugly studies on how poisons and electricity kill and disable youth.
  2. Australia has successfully increased youth suicide, via ‘early intervention’, now psychiatry wishes to increase youth terrorism.
  3. And ever thought your child to be a ‘bit of a terror’, well, psychiatry has the solution for you, get your child terrorised today.
  4. Similarities between Patrick McGorry & Rolf Harris are uncanny… and they both got called ‘charismatic’ by mainstream-media.

Do we have to rely on Canada to catch our evil psychiatrists? For instance, the Perth child psychiatrist Aaron Szen Yang Voon arrested in Canada for allegedly filming a boy in a public toilet , who is now facing further child pornography charges. What parent would want these evil psychiatrists to drug and abuse their children. Yet, a parent's power-of-attorney can be taken away if they refuse to allow psychiatrists to drug their child.

'There are also reservations about Australia's focus on early intervention for young people with more serious mental health problems. Sixteen early-psychosis prevention and intervention centres (EPPIC) will be operational by 2016, providing support for 15 to 24-year-olds at risk of psychotic illnesses. Critics claim there is little evidence the disorders can be prevented, and that up to 80 per cent of those deemed ''high risk'' will never develop the illness yet may still be labelled and medicated.'
Read more:

Illicit drugs can cause people to be violent, and so do forced psychiatric drugs. Why? Well, if you have a toxin in your body, it might, make you fight, if you're the sort to do that. If your country is inflicting this violence on you and the population is doing nothing to stop it? Well, how do you think that makes the person feel? Happy? No, it makes people under this torture feel like finding a way to stop the bastards from torturing them. Most psychiatric survivors have no idea how to do that. They'll just say, or yell a few things. Some might write guitar songs, some might paint pictures, others might write blogs. That's not violent, that's having a say, in a world that won't allow free speech about psychiatric slavery. Most psychiatric survivors try to negotiate with those perpetrating horrendous torture on them, and make choices between one horrible 'treatment' or another.

Now let's just think about psychiatry's elder abuse in this article. Psychiatrists terrorising the elderly with poison they do not want or need, that makes their final years full of horrific unendurable pain. Indeed psychiatry's evil is just really obvious, 'Why does Health Minister Sussan Ley like “killing” our mothers with a USA banned dementia drug, the anti-psychotic Risperdal?'

Yet what media personality is doing anything to stop it?

There they are yapping away, those who get to talk on mainstream media, saying a lot of highly offensive things. They don't get put in psych wards and tortured, because psychiatry would end if they did. The only media figures psychiatry attacks are the ones it thinks it can get away with, usually women.

Of course. The world loves scapegoats. It goes something like this, that thread...

  • Psychiatrists declare that war is caused by mental Illness and the public vent at those people enslaved by psychiatry for causing war.
  • Misogynists declare that war is caused by women farting. All women burst out laughing, so then, women’s laughter is said to cause war…
  • Psychiatrists declare women who fart and laugh are mentally ill and must become laboratory subjects so psychiatrists can find a way to cure their farts and laughter…
  • Psychiatrists declare that war is caused by women’s mental illness, but that psychiatry has found a cure, or a way to manage the symptoms… and the public nod and listen and buy what the old fart says, as he laughs all the way to the bank and next arms deal.

Even a misogynist, homophobic leader like the Russian leader, Putin, can see what psychiatry does is making people into invalids, making people sterile... Russia has done enough experiments on their dissidents to know what Australian psychiatrists try to cover up as being 'care' and 'medicine.' (And recognising that putting petroleum-based substances in foods and medicines isn't healthy, that's right, you shouldn't be eating Propylene Glycol all the time, or cleaning your hands with it, spraying it under your arm pits...) Good to hear someone saying what is obvious, instead of being like our leaders talking up chemical lobotomists like they're something kind and pretty. But,

Please condemn Russia as a human rights criminal #RussianAsylums

Please condemn Germany as a human rights criminal #GermanAsylums

Don’t seek asylum in Australia, officials will assume you want #ArbitraryDetention & 24/7 indefinite torture.
Just hurry up and #AbolishPsychiatry
Peter Breggin says of the The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime, 'It’s important to understand that all psychoactive substances impair higher brain function and with that they impair judgment. People who are a little tipsy on alcohol or a little high on marijuana may experience it as enjoyable. Similarly, people who take psychiatric drugs may experience relief from emotional anesthesia or an artificial high on an antidepressant, tranquilizer, or stimulant. Or they may get some relief from the lobotomizing effect of an antipsychotic drug or the blunting impact of a mood stabilizer. In every case, the seeming improvement is a manifestation of brain dysfunction, and judgment is always impaired.'

Breggin is a decent social-psychiatrist that speaks out against the wrongs of his profession. But he has no idea, or rather doesn't say enough here  about how painful the drugs psychiatrists force on people are. To know that suffering, you really have to listen to what psychiatric regime survivors say of this. The ones who feel safe enough to speak out will tell you forced psychiatric drugs are TORTURE. The reason they're forced is because the person doesn't want to take them for very good reasons, they are TORTURE.

Take into account over 5700 Victorians actively seek to try to stop forced psychiatric treatment orders, every year, via the Mental Health Tribunal (usually without any legal help). Most of these horrific Treatment Orders are upheld, despite none of these people being charged with a crime under our Criminal Code. It is not only a disgusting that this is happening, it becomes even more disgusting when you realise that the only reason this isn't stopped is because, beyond the 4000 psychiatrists in Australia, there are a lot of other people making money out of enslaving Australian citizens as laboratory specimens.

Psychiatry is terrorism. Don't allow psychiatrists to shake off the shame of their years of abusing people for money by perpetuating victim-blaming in 2016! End this regime. End psychiatry's slavery of so many, if only for our economy. At the moment, it is a false economy, based on human suffering and short-term money's from the organised crime of psychiatry. But how about also ending it, so that quarter of our population, is no longer suffering under this slavery.

The economy for a slave is not a good one. And people who are subjected to servitude that involves being a enslaved as a laboratory animal, cannot even be credited with years of hard labour, which would shine better in the public's esteem (even though being constantly poisoned & electrocuted is hard labour for a person's body & being a human guinea-pig normally pays large sums). The people enslaved by psychiatry who are terrorised by these monstrous whitecoats, are not paid a thing, are portrayed as invalids, as a drain on the system, 'useless eaters' and here we have it on the 7pm News, being labelled as potential 'terrorists'.

Stop the victim-blame, please. Put the monsters on trial, cease this ridiculous propaganda that is just so offensive, it is unbelievable people are saying such things in 2016.

Think how horrible this is: When psychiatry enslaves a person as a laboratory specimen, against their will, that person cannot earn a wage, as their body is shut down by major tranquilisers. These major tranquilisers are also called neuroleptics, (or to victim-blaming they’re referred to regularly by psychiatrists as ‘antipsychotics’). They jam up dopamine receptors, cause painful, physical and intellectual dysfunction. And why are they being forced on people? Because of Australia’s Mental Health Acts that conflict with International Human Rights Laws and in Victoria, their own Charter of Human Rights. Having a Charter of Human Rights in Victoria, doesn’t help, as Victoria has the largest amount of civilian forced treatment orders in the world. And as I said before, innocent people don't have the right to a lawyer.

The kind of poverty brought on by utilising people in physical and emotional crisis for psychiatry’s WHO(world health organisation) profit-related experiments, means that while the white-coteries profit, the psychiatric-slaves are abused disfigured, impoverished, and even if by some lucky chance freed enough to speak out, will be subjected to more verbal abuse than anyone else of any marginalised part of the community.

There was a move to get any freed, or semi-freed slaves to join social-support services, even if they had PHDs in other employment areas. Having psychiatric survivors in social-services on low wages, meant that they could then be controlled, should they want to speak out against State Violence. Social Support Workers who were Experient of psychiatric abuse had to be very careful to not say too much about what their government had done to them, or their workplace wouldn’t get grants, and they’d be out of a job. (In a similar way people working for Churches kept quiet about abuses happening in their organisations, even when they’d been subjected to the abuses themselves.)

Transgenerational protest is huge. And you cannot keep in what has been screaming for generations. And the minute on generation attempts to think about the abuse, or talk about it, or use the expression that got them abused by the State Government, then suddenly, the next generation is subjected to abuse.

Know that psychiatric drugs will cause cancer & heart attacks.

Psychiatric drugs really, really wreck your body. Why not look at Clinical studies on long-term  lithium treatment and kidney failure and how the plainsfolk Kay Redfield Jamieson, promoter & consumer of lithium ended up.

Really, really need to think about the whole diagnosis of perception. The white-coterie mental hygiene-eugenics-mental health association that’s been peddling its propaganda for so long, there’s no one alive who remembers it not existing. Perception should not be diagnosed. Voices, visions… percipience, they’re what literature and poetry loves. How did they get to be ‘symptoms of serious mental illness’? It’s ridiculous! How did a Australians get to be so stupid that they think quarter of their population are potential 'terrorists' because they've been diagnosed by psychiatry. People aren't recognising the real terrorists here are whitecoats.

And, of course, forced poison in a person's body can make people do desperate things to get revenge on the people who did that to them. Peter Gøtzsche says, 'When I gave a talk to Australian child psychiatrists, one of them said he knew three teenagers taking antidepressants who had attempted suicide because they couldn't get an erection the first time they tried to have sex.  These boys didn't know it was the pills - they thought there was something wrong with them. Although many psychiatrists still believe SSRIs cut the risk of suicide that can come with depression, it is well established that these drugs actually increase the risk in children and adolescents, and most likely in adults as well.'

Forced and coerced psychiatry must be stopped. Forced treatments are not only inhumane, they don't make sense, except to people who are dumb enough to keep swallow ridiculous propaganda. Psychiatric drugs are poisons. And psychiatrists are killers that are terrorising humanity.

This blog says it: 'We are supposed to be a society of written laws.  The law is supposed to come from us all as a people.  We are supposed to agree in advance what the law is.  Law is supposed to reflect what is good and right for our relationships with each other.  Only stuff that is bad enough, wrong enough, harmful enough to everyone's interests is to supposed to be anyone's business but your own.

'The role of police is supposed to be limited.  Police are supposed to police the law.  The law is supposed to to be written down.  Police are supposed to compare what you do with what is on the page.  The rules on the page are supposed to rule the day.

'We are not supposed to be a nation of big Kings or petty ones.  No one is supposed to be able to issue edicts willy, nilly.  Getting locked up, shot up, tied down or put away is not supposed to be a matter of opinion.  It's not supposed to happen because someone doesn't like you.  It's not supposed to happen because we disagree.

'Fundamental rights, basic freedoms - speech, opinion, belief and the right to be let alone - are supposed to be for all of us.  They're not supposed to be a matter of popularity.  They're not supposed to be a matter of class or occupation.  They're not supposed to change from person to person, over night, or get made up by someone with power as they go along.'

Think about that. Psychiatry is really, really violating people, victim-blaming. Do you really want to continue to allow mainstream media to say nothing about this terrorising?

Whitecoats cannot be allowed to continue experimenting on people against their will. These terrorists, called psychiatrists must be stopped.

Someone is screaming they are going to be tortured, as they are hauled off by authorities. What do you do?
Answer HERE