Look at this! Lots of money for allowing whitecoats to
experiment on you. Yes it is a job, where you can earn big time, but of course
no one wants to do this job, there’s
risks, and it’s horribly intrusive, not at all empowering... You could die,
you could be disfigured, disabled, it could cost you a lot more than you get
Payment for medical experimentation
‘Payment for paid medical research studies varies greatly, and ranges from an outpatient study at $20 a visit, to an inpatient study at $500-3,000+.’
With all this money being spent on trials, whitecoats
wouldn’t be one of the highest paid professions, but they are.
So, what did whitecoats do to gain the profits they are currently getting? They
enslave people in experiments. This is why psychiatrists are one of the highest earners, even though they are said to be the lowest scoring Medical Practitioner specialist.
In Australia we have very strict Anti-Slavery
laws in our Crimes Act. Division 270 of the Criminal Code also criminalises
servitude. The offence carries a penalty of 15 years imprisonment or 20 years
for an aggravated offence.
So, how is this happening, that people are being enslaved by
whitecoats under the Mental Health Act. How is it also that Medical Doctors are
so difficult to prosecute, in any other way than negligence and even then, it's not easy to get any kind of legal satisfaction?
The answer here, is obvious to anyone who looks at regimes through out human history - when there is mass
enslaving people, this is seen as ‘reasonable treatment’, rather than slavery,
and those supposedly policing such crimes against humanity, do nothing.
Enslaved Human Laboratory animals
How-to get healthy people enslaved as human laboratory
animals? Create a diagnostic system that purports grief is a dangerous disease…
the overall ‘disease’ being ‘mental-illness’. Make laws requiring that
treatment be forced. Make laws regarding ways of seeing and thinking –
mentally-illing traditional symbolic ways of communicating (ie visions &
voices). These 'laws' then call those people who talk about an unknown energy, or politically
dangerous subject matter to be ‘severely mentally ill’. Keep marginalising 1st
Nations traditional ways of healing community riffs and make certain they are
fragmented and forced or pushed into drug use. Make certain that any people
empathising with marginalised people and their ways of communicating and
understanding the environment are seen as ‘sickness’. Place measures to then forcefully
experiment on healthy people under the guise of medical emergency and inability
of the person to articulate consent. Place measures in, so that a person’s
refusal to take psychiatric treatments is seen as signs of mental illness. And wallah,
there you have a group of healthy people, of all age ranges, that whitecoats
can use for the entirety of those persons’ lives, without paying them, or
allowing them to leave the workplace.
Victoria, Australia, has the largest number, per capita, of
enslaved human laboratory animals. 5700+ people are put on
Treatment Orders per year (SANE Australia Stats). A person only gets put on a Treatment Order, if they refuse
the medical experiments, dubbed ‘necessary treatments’.
Why is Victoria so bad?
Victoria established the first large-scale psychiatric use of humans in Aradale
Insane Asylum (Ararat). It had a 2000 people capacity and ran from 1865 to
1993. Victoria is well practiced in
enslaving people, starting with 1st Nations people, women, and any
political dissidents, or those who supported the marginalised view.
It is time to end the common practice of enslaving people as
human laboratory animals, via the psychiatric regime. It is never okay to give
a medical practitioner power over another person. Victoria’s hospital system is
corrupted by psychiatry and the Mental Health Association, that is tied to
eugenics involvement. To allow such a system to rule over certain members of
the population, is unconscionable. The horror of this has been enabled by the
victim-blaming propaganda campaigns, that will often use a plainfolk technique,
whereby a person is paid and given kudos for being a ‘mentally-illed’ specimen.
Usually plainsfolk feel this the better option than fighting the system. It’s
not unusual in disabling other human rights movements for this technique to be
used, and for those being harmed to go along with it.
At what point in a human rights movement, does the enslaved
feel that they can speak out against the abuse without their life being made
worse by doing so? Well, it depends if you have found a way to free yourself.
It is mostly, because of supportive people in the community,
who are not easily mentally-illed, that slaves to whitecoats can be freed.
Those who support the enslaved enough to get them freed are supported by other
people, who have finances and industry, legal, policing, political and media
To end the psychiatric regime and its enslaving of marginalised
people in our community, for the use in biology experiments, it is about the
population, as a whole recognising people they’ve chosen to put in the category
of ‘sub-human’ due to propaganda.
If the majority of the population could at least recognise
that medicine is meant to enable, not disable that would be a start. For the population to also recognise when psychiatrists say
that they are treating someone like Garth Daniels ‘because he’s dangerous’, that's illogical (when Garth has
never been charged or convicted of a crime, and criminals who commit horrific
crimes, would not be subjected to what Garth has been forced to endure). It is
illegal to forcefully treat prisoners. Criminals are given more rights than
their victims. So often victims of crime end up being enslaved as human
laboratory animals, because someone was concerned that the victim-of-crime
might harm themselves. So, the family or friend gets the victim-of-crime to go
along to a psychiatrist for ‘help’. The psychiatrist ends up helping themselves
to the victim-of-crime, enslaving them under a Mental Health Act, taking away
their autonomy, forcefully drugging them, electrocuting, keeping them captive, deriding
them as ‘mentally-ill’, symptomizing their ways of coping and various reasonable
human behaviours.
Anyone enslaved as a human laboratory animal, who fights
back, is labelled as ‘aggressive’ and ‘dangerous’. Put an animal in a cage and tie
them down, put poisons in their body, electrocute them, and some animals will
fight in any way they can. The population of my country, Australia, needs to
understand, fighting slavery is reasonable. When a person doesn’t fight,
instead self-harms, it’s about going in the other direction, it’s about instead
of attacking those who are harming them, attacking the self. A bird in a cage
will do this, when it pulls out its feathers.
What would you do, if you were an enslaved laboratory animal?
People are paid to do medical research. So, if people are
forced to do this work against their will, they are being enslaved.
People are paid to be medical subjects in research,
trialling drugs, medical equipment and answering questions. So, if
people are forced to do this work against their will, for the
profit/gratification of whitecoats, they are being enslaved. The psychiatric
regime in Australia currently has over 6 million people enslaved, coercing, threatening
and forcing them to take part in intrusive studies they do wish to be the
subject matter for, intrusive damaging procedures and treatment regimes that
disable, disfigure and destroy the lives. Stop allowing the AMA to enslave
humans for the uses of medicine. Stop allowing the mainstream media to
victim-blame the people enslaved as human laboratory animals.