Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tribunal rubber stamps psychiatrists dictatorship of Fiona

SIGN this petition to Free Fiona Smith, #Right2Refuse protester & platypus advocate

The Mental Health Tribunal, yesterday  rubber stamped psychiatrists dictatorship of Fiona Smith.

Despite Fiona Smith giving an eloquent and well-presented argument, and putting forth the obvious unlawful detaining of her and injecting of her, the Mental Health Tribunal chose to continue to disregard section 4.2 of the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014, and rubber stamped an order to persecute Fiona Smith for another 12 weeks.
That's 6 forced depot injections, it could kill her, if the maltreating team don't taper the dose, or stop forcing it on her.
The opening sentence from the psychiatrist launched into calling Fiona Smith out for 'antipsychiatry' politics. We had to interject that this was invalid under 4.2 of the Mental Health Act, where politics, protests, opinions and previous diagnosis cannot be said to be reason to place a Treatment Order on a person.
The maltreating team mumbled their psychobabble, and it didn't matter that no one heard them, the Tribunal Panel just went along with what the doc ordered.
To do that to Fiona Smith, who is so well-versed in law, so eloquent, despite the torturously high dose of drugs they have forcibly injected into her, is disgusting. To name Fiona Smith's political views as 'thought disordered' is just ridiculously evil, but also in clear violation of the Mental Health Act 2014.
Fiona Smith will be challenging the tribunal Admin now at VCAT.
We cannot have Fiona Smith destroyed by these monsters. She is one of the most courageous people in the world, and a peaceful resistance that the world needs.
Keep sharing this petition. World-wide support is needed.


SIGN Vic Gov e-petition for the #Right2Refuse  

Grievance: The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the much needed human rights currently being denied to Victorians, that is, the right to refuse psychiatrists’ products, procedures, programs and beds. To force Victorians to submit to what psychiatrist’s dictate, to their environmentally unfriendly, unethical, and unhealthy products, is undemocratic and violates the United Nations ‘Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’, as well as sections 8.2 and 8.3 of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. Victorians must have the right to choose, refuse and conscientiously object to pharmaceutical products, medical procedures or programs for personal, political or environmental reasons and have their right to refuse upheld. Victorians should not be discriminated against on the basis of a psychiatrist’s diagnosis of a person having a psychiatric disability, nor subjected forcibly to human research on this basis.
Action: The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to repeal legislation that forces psychiatrists’ products, procedures, programs and beds upon Victorians.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The #right2refuse psychiatrists

Fiona Smith #Right2Refuse protester has been left without Legal Aid for MH Tribunal, tomorrow 23rd Oct 11:30am, at Royal Melbourne John Cade. Despite all due diligence in attempting to get a Legal Aid lawyer for this hearing. We are still collecting letters of support.
Sign the petition -

#Victorians! Demand the #Right2Refuse psychiatrists' products, procedures & programs. Sign the Official Government #epetition148

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fiona Smith free from arbitrary detention

while Fiona Smith has got free from arbitrary detention in Royal Melbourne John Cade, (yesterday afternoon) she is still being forcibly subjected to Rispiridone Long Acting Injection (RLAI). 
What lucrative research is Fiona Smith being exploited for?
she's likely being exploited by the e-STAR data-base research group
Protest on Wednesday, 23rd Oct at Royal Melbourne John Cade
for Fiona Smith and the #Right2Refuse, coinciding with the Mental Health Tribunal to stop the CTO on Fiona Smith, located in this building.
Compliance with torturous drugs, is about indoctrinating a person into denial
Mental Health Tribunal Administration, and Royal Melbourne John Cade, must not act as an assessor of #compliance to RLAI and other drugs being forced, as if that's a point of law, it isn't, it's their research agenda, that should NOT be allowed, most especially given the horrific allergic reactions Fiona Smith is suffering as a result of RLAI, that are life threatening and life destroying. To force this drug on Fiona cannot be considered medicine, it is the opposite of medicine - a clear violation, chemical assault.
The #right2refuse is a political point-of-view
How can Mental Health Tribunal Administration, and Royal Melbourne John Cade, even think of medicalising a political point-of-view, well-recognised world-wide in the human rights movement -  that of demanding the #right2refuse RLAI and other psychdrugs, products, procedures and programs - most especially given that Fiona Smith has been protesting for years on this issue? It is unconstitutional to deny a political point-of-view and medicalise it, and subject the person with that political point-of-view to known neurotoxins, to shut them down, silence them, and break them into compliance with another point-of-view. It is dictatorial. It is also a clear violation of ethics, neuroleptics are considered one of the worst tortures in the world, that cause such horrific damage to a person's physical health.
The aim, for Fiona Smith, is to have the RLAI stopped immediately so that Fiona Smith doesn't have to suffer this further, the harmful and potentially lethal effects of this drug, and reduce the Rispiridone tablets gradually in a harm reduction method with a supportive GP.
Action is needed urgently on Fiona Smith's #right2refuse. Share, write blogs, letters of support, be there to protest on Wednesday if you can. Also do sign this petition -

Saturday, October 12, 2019

VOP day 10 OCT 2019 - Australia

Many thanks to everyone who could make it to Canberra for the Victims of Psychiatrists day rally on the 10th of October, reclaiming the day from the perpetrating Mental Health personnel and their organisations. Thank you for your artworks and powerful voices. Will have an even bigger even organised next year.

My suggestion is to keep it acoustic, and fully use your voices as VOP. Because we never have microphones to amplify our voices when we are dragged away, and assaulted by mental health personnel, and even when we cry loudly for the violations to stop, we have been ignored, and made to disappear, then broken under torture.

Fiona Smith, would've been there too, but was arbitrarily detained in Royal Melbourne John Cade. She is still fighting for release. The Tribunal Hearing, is on the 16th Oct. And a rally of support for Fiona Smith outside Royal Melbourne John Cade has been suggested for the day.

For people that don't understand Victoria, Australia's system, a Tribunal Hearing, isn't an actual court of law, it is a panel with a Lawyer, Community Representative, and a Psychiatrist.

Reminder - what Fiona Smith is being tested on is whether or not she will comply with their human research, without being forced. There is no offence that Fiona Smith has committed. She is being accused of 'having' a vicious DSM slur, that has no scientific provable basis or reality, but is rather concocted for the purposes of an exploitation racket, that really, really needs to be abolished, as the UN CRPD has pressed upon Australia to do

This is common to all exploitation rackets, the victim-blaming, and denial, and utter violation of those being exploitation, then authorities putting out propaganda that their violations are 'benevolent', that goes back to 'saving witches' by burning and drowning them. Psychiatrists 'saving' the people they accuse of vicious DSM slurs constitutes exploiting them for vile, cruel, invasive lucrative human research, that causes a person massive disfiguration, retardation of physical and intellectual abilities, and organ decay. It is slow torture, but very obviously torture, in the same manner that ugly whitecoats conduct forced human research on small animals.

What is import is that: 
This is not about what psychiatrists accuse Fiona Smith of, this is about what Fiona accuses the treating and consultant psychiatrists of, and whether those psychiatrists need to be jailed for their violations of Fiona Smith. It is the supervising, researching, treating and consultant psychiatrists and the other Mental Health Personnel involved, that have committed a violent crime against Fiona Smith, and there is no accusation which makes their violations of her body, for their profit, a lawful ethical thing to do. 

What Royal Melbourne John Cade has done to Fiona, is a serious crime. That is what must be addressed. 

We must not allow the ugly whitecoats to turn this into 'the problem with Fiona' which is just an evil attempt to slander her with nebulous derogatory psychobabble terms, that have no more meaning than any terminology that exploiters offensively accuse the people they exploit of. The ugly whitecoats must not be allowed this power.

Please sign this petition for Fiona's release and be there on the 16th, at Royal Melbourne John Cade, to show support, if you can. 

Friday, October 11, 2019


Please sign Fiona Smith's petition to Royal Melbourne John Cade & human researchers, that need to immediately release Fiona, and stop forcibly injecting, stop harassing her.

Fiona Smith, platypus advocate and #Right2Refuse protester was about to head up to the 10th Oct rally in Canberra, for VOP day, but instead is being arbitrarily detained & tortured at Royal Melbourne John Cade, forcibly, likely prepping her for human research involving forced Risperdal Consta injections. These injections could prove lethal, as Fiona Smith is having severe allergic reactions to Risperdal/ Respiradone Consta, that Janssen-Cilag warn about on their website.
Forced Rispirdal/ Respiradone Consta is not a ‘least restrictive measure’, not supportive, or necessary, rather it is dangerously harmful and a huge risk to Fiona Smith’s health, well-being and life. 
Fiona Smith does NOT consent to be in human research trial ACTRN12609000317291, which includes Risperadal Consta injections. She does NOT consent to this injection being used on her for 3 times for 6 weeks prior to enrollment in trial ACTRN12609000317291, or any other research that involves this drug.
Such research without consent, is a violation of the Federal Responsible Research Code 8.2, for harm caused to Fiona Smith et al & 8.3 for the river life harmed by excess of synthetic toxins that cannot be removed from waste water.
Fiona Smith cannot be said to fall into the category of ‘emergency’ and to do so is a perverse corrupt use of emergency powers.
It is unclear what Dr Tiggy means by ‘psychosis’, it seems nebulous, and slanderous. And indeed what the crime of psychosis could possibly be that must be so harshly punished with arbitrary detention and neurotoxins known to cause intellectual and physical retardation, dis-figuration of attractiveness, and rapid deterioration of bodily organs (especially dangerous to people over 45.)
Fiona has committed NO CRIME. The medicalisation, slander of Fiona Smith by Mental Health Personnel and discrimination on the basis of disability is the crime here. Fiona Smith is a Victim of Psychiatrists, and should be allowed the right to refuse psychiatrists' products, procedures, programs and their bloody beds!
Fiona Smith has been sending email petitions for the purpose of awareness campaigning. She is alleging serious abuse, neglect and violence from Mental Health personnel towards persons with disabilities. She should be redirected to report to the correct channels, should anyone find her emails not something they can act on, channels such as the Federal Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse and Neglect of Persons with Disabilities, should be an obvious redirection. Why was that so difficult for Mental Health personnel to accomplish? This simple redirection and support of much needed reporting of these serious crimes. Instead they want to shut Fiona Smith up? Torture her with forced drugging and detain her, to break her under torture.
Fiona Smith has been having serious reactions to Rispiradone/ Risperdal for some time, which is increasing in severity. Recogising that the drug was causing her adverse reactions, she sought out a GP to safely withdraw from this drug. Fiona should not be condemned for doing this, she certainly shouldn’t be condemned for suffering withdrawal symptoms and feeling outrage at those who have forced these drugs into her body (and have profited in the course of their work from doing so), while Fiona has suffered massive damage to her life and livelihood from having this and other neurotoxins forced on her.
Fiona should be allowed the right to withdraw from these neurotoxins (Risperidone/ Respirdal) and not be labelled with vicious slurs as a result of withdrawal symptoms.
Fiona is an engaging and intelligent woman who speaks the truth. Support from lawyers into clarifying that truths she writes and speaks of, into that which is suitable to a court of law, is the support Fiona Smith needs, not further exploitation from Mental Health Personnel, who need to be prosecuted.
Fiona Smith is an active protester, UN Reporter and petitioner in the legitimate right to refuse forced psychiatry and forced human research, a right that is supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Arbitrary detention and inflicting medical research on a person on the basis of accused disability MUST be considered abhorrent for very obvious ethical reasons.
Please urge Royal Melbourne John Cade to release Fiona Smith, and stop forcing Risperdal/ Risperdone Consta injections. Demand Fiona Smith be immediately released from arbitrary detention at Royal Melbourne John Cade and permitted to choose a medical practitioner that supports her in withdrawing from these neurotoxins that Royal Melbourne John Cade Mental Health Personnel have forced into her body putting her life in danger. Fiona Smith must also have the right to refuse a medical practitioner that doesn’t suit her.
Fiona Smith also has duties concerning animal welfare, and needs to return to her flat ASAP to look after her cat.
There must be no more harassment at Fiona Smith’s flat, by Mental Health Personnel, who insist on maintaining her as a cash-cow tied to their services, products, procedures, research and programs, that she does not want to participate in. To bundle housing into a coercive-control as well as forced psychiatry and forced human research is just hideously unethical and not socially supportive at all, rather corrupt and violating.
Fiona Smith must be permitted to disengage from people who she does not want in her life. She should not have to fear that another person, whom she does not trust, has the key to her home.
Harassment and threats to animal life must be taken seriously by housing providers and stopped. A grievance this serious must be investigated. The person who reports (the harassment, and threats to animal life) such as Fiona Smith did, should not be then silenced by forced psychiatry, such as Fiona Smith has been. This victim-blaming is lazy and cruel for a housing provider.
A person who has information on the violence, abuse and neglect in the Mental Health System, should be supported in reporting through correct channels, such as the Federal Royal Commission; rather than left to despair that no one will do anything to stop the violence, abuse and neglect of persons with disabilities.
This is not about what psychiatrists accuse Fiona Smith of, this is about what Fiona accuses the treating and consultant psychiatrists of, and whether those psychiatrists need to be jailed for their violations of Fiona Smith. It is the supervising, researching, treating and consultant psychiatrists and the other Mental Health Personnel involved, that have committed a violent crime against Fiona Smith, and there is no accusation which makes their violations of her body, for their profit, a lawful ethical thing to do.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Free Fiona Smith, #Right2Refuse protester & platypus advocate

Fiona Smith, platypus advocate & #Right2Refuse protester is being arbitrarily detained & tortured at Royal Melbourne John Cade, forcibly for disgusting, vile, cruel human research of forced Risperdal Consta injections

This trial is being conducted forcibly and is a clear violation of 8.2 of the Code of Responsible Research.

Fiona wanted to speak at a fully approved Canberra Rally about synthetic drugs that end up in the rivers, because they cannot be removed from waste water, killing river life such as platypus, a violation of 8.3 of the Code of Responsible Research.

Fiona was tapering Risperdal tablets responsibly with a GP, on 1 mg and feeling like she was getting her abilities back. She wanted to also speak at the rally about what she's suffered as a Victim of Psychiatrists (VOP), as well as what other VOP have suffered (some VOP of which have been killed by forced psychiatry, and there is a need to grieve and for the officials and public to acknowledge these people were killed by forced psychiatry.)

On Saturday 28th Mental Health Personnel dragged Fiona from her home, into the Psychiatric unit, for the alleged purposes of exploiting her for this research and silencing her petitions and protests, which include a co-written alternative report from VOP in Australia, to the UN CRPD committee. 

Fiona Smith needs to be freed from arbitrary detention and these horrendous violations, and the violators prosecuted under 8.2 and 8.3 of the Federal Code for Responsible Research.

Fiona Smith was to attend International Victims of Psychiatrists Day on 10th Oct 2pm - 5pm, at Canberra Parliament AAA. This is about a protester & human rights defender being silenced by the vile cruel exploitation legislation that is the MHA.
Risperdal Consta is causing Fiona Smith horrific pain and damage to her body, disfiguring, disabling and retarding of her abilities -
-changes in vision, including blurred vision
-difficulty concentrating
-difficulty speaking or swallowing
-inability to move the eyes
-increase in amount of urine
-loss of balance control
-mask-like face
-memory problems
-muscle spasms of the face, neck, and back
-problems with urination
-restlessness or need to keep moving (severe)
-shuffling walk
-skin rash or itching
-stiffness or weakness of the arms or legs
-tic-like or twitching movements
-trembling and shaking of the fingers and hands
-trouble sleeping
-twisting body movements
This is outrageously cruel drug to forcibly subject Fiona Smith to. Her skin was torn when they forcibly injected her in her arm, causing her to bleed, and as she said 'blood everywhere all over the bed where they held me down.'
Victorians must think of human rights and dignity, before the money made from human research. It is a disgusting thing for a State Government, and a Federal Government to profit from. Forced Human Experimentation, and the psychiatrists that torture people for profit, must be utterly condemned and immediately stopped.
For a state such as Victoria to train psychiatrists to torture little animals in their research, then move on to humans is disgusting. For these psychiatrists to take pleasure in the power they have to break people under torture, into servitude as research specimens, and be allowed to do that through State legislation, is so vile and evil.
That the State Legislators have given violating psychiatrists loopholes such as Emergency Treatment/ Research, and the Victorian Mental Health Act 2014, is not something that should be allowed. No State/ Territory in Australia, or any other place in the world, should be allowing psychiatrists to force their products, procedures, programs, beds and research on people. And the life of our rivers, as Fiona Smith has been advocating must also be considered. The river water would not be any where near as polluted as it is if there was no forced psychiatry.
Victoria and the rest of Australia must implement international agreements, such as the UN CRPD, stop violating Fiona Smith, the people she's being protesting for, and the river life she's also been advocating for.
Forced psychiatry should be considered a servitude offense, and the Code violations, for the human research people have been forcibly subjected be recognised and subjected to the full force of the law.