Monday, September 30, 2019

Sustainability is about abolishing forced psychiatry

Little shop in Maldon, Victoria, Australia -

Working on the easily understood, not up for debate, need to reduce human exposure to toxic substances, which we petitioned our parliamentarians on - 

The inaction on the obvious, and the action on what is merely a roll out of another experimental product, induction technology, is what society is too easily duped into following up on and rallying for the implementation of. 

They should be asking for reduction of the obvious pollutants, but they're not. They're creating a build up and debate about whose technology is permitted to have government backing. That's what happened when plastic bags replaced paperbags, instead of encouraging string-bags, which the hippies all had, they wanted to roll out their plastics, and make them profitable.

It's obvious that propylene glycol & polypropylene glycol are causing massive hazards for the environment and us. But, people keep selling their toxic rot, and wearing it, even while touting for 'Climate Change Action'. The stink at a Climate Change Rally from the toxic fumes the protesters wear - not even recognised as one of the main climates of toxic rot that need to be recognised and stopped.

The touted 'safe' e-cigarettes, now recognised to cause fatty growths inside the lungs. And regular tobacco still kept 'fresh' with over loads of propylene glycol.  (Perhaps the actual tobacco plant, a natural mosquito repellent, wasn't the real issue.)

Propylene Glycol should not be labelled 'carbohydrate' on packages but still is. It shouldn't be put into food, but it still is. A lot of dairy products have a scary amount of it in them (not labelled), though of course confectionery, cigarettes, alcohol and medicines remain the worst offenders. Bread, you've got to really think about that one too, make it yourself if you can.

And how-to travel?
A 23 hour flight to Geneva is out of the question, once you've been exposed to too much PG and are sensitive, allergic etc.
The mask I have would not work that long. My eyes, my skin get exposed, and blister, and take in the toxin. I'm open to suggestions, though, I think the best thing to do would be to ban the toxic Personal Products.

And accommodation? Ooo. Cannot sleep in those toxic sheets full of crude-cracker fumes.

And people who are forcibly subjected to psychiatric drugs, have this substance, and other toxic crude-cracker synthetic substances forced into their bodies. A lot of us are now sensitive or allergic to chemicals we could previously tolerate. But, now I think about it, no one should be tolerating. They're responsible for so much suffering, fatigue, unexplained anxiety, sadness, or irritation. Sit in an office full of that for a life-time, you'll end up with cancer, if you don't get an allergy to prevent you sitting through more of the unnecessary, horribly offensive stink people were indoctrinated to put on their bodies by the Mental Hygiene propaganda.

And that part again, the forced psychiatry, the intrusive cruel forced injections of huge amounts of synthetic crude-cracker chemicals. That use of force, on people, is so disturbing, people should have shop window displays all the time telling people why that's not okay, why that isn't sustainable, why it is UTTERLY SHAMEFUL to have in government legislation, and live in a society, and do nothing to stop that legislated use of force, utterly shameful. DO SOMETHING!

When there's that kind of use of force, that exploitative use of force to give a product a market, when no one is choosing to have the product, you've got something seriously wrong with the authority figures in your society that legislate that. 

Do people remember being told to 'not be a baby' when your parents doused your hair with toxic poo, and told you that this sham was 'gentle compared to the rest'. Remember also that prisoners were coerced to have this squirted in their eyes, in early stages of developing the product. I doubt they listened to any of the prisoners' suffering from the shampoo, because the product they ended up with caused babies to cry.

The Painter & The Writer Gallery in Maldon, suggests you wash your hair in garden weeds (in soft water this works very well.) Much nicer to use milk thistle boiled up, or chickweed, than make your baby cry.

Deodorant, was another invention of the toxic Mental Hygiene/ Mental Health industry, that touted how-to work and play and have a nice day, and kill anyone who doesn't comply with the social experiments of the crude-cracker toxic rot dressed up as 'hygiene'.

Little shop in Main St, Maldon, says  non-toxic deodorant grows on a tree. lemons are a deodorant, and they're not going to burn your pits, cause allergies, cause asthma and stink up the world and pollute the rivers and our seas, kill our coral reef, and contribute to CO2. Keep them fresh in a jar of water, after cutting off a slice. Use the left-over peel. So much more decent and understanding to your friends, colleagues, and the life around you.

Now, you know why psychiatry must die, so we all can thrive and this propaganda machine, the Mental Hygiene/ Mental Health industry must not be reinvented, it must end, for the ecology to thrive. Sustainability is about abolishing forced psychiatry.

Implement CRPD & the right2Refuse Psychiatrists

Standing at the Victorian Parliament, every month in 2019, to demand that Victims of Psychiatrists be heard in the Victorian Royal Commission into the Mental Health System of this State, to demand that we have the #Right2Refuse psychiatrists' products, procedures and their bloody beds, and that the lies told that VOP want to get into psychiatrists' beds, are the vile disgusting lies of the psychiatric regime, the exploitation racket that has gone on way too long.

Just as we stood at the State Library every week from 2015 - 2018, to ask the Library, the keepers of definition, ideas and the public's understanding and historical records - to recognise Victims of Psychiatrists, and the need for an end to the vile, cruel exploitation racket, free the people who are currently being tortured and abolish forced psychiatry.

Oct 10th 2019, we take our protest to Canberra
Demanding that Federal parliamentarians put pressure on the States to repeal forced psychiatry, as the UN CRPD Committee has asked Australia to do.

VOP sent a report to the UN CRPD committee this year, and are pleased to say many of our requests were understood, as these requests have long been part of what victims of psychiatrists and their allies have been reporting to the UN.

Not everyone is putting their name down on this list, as people are wary of having their names attached to such protests. That's okay, however I do urge you to contact me, Initially NO, via my twitter, facebook etc, to let me know you'll be there, and it'll just be to do with numbers in the authorised area of Canberra's parliament that authorities want to know about.

Federal Prosecution via the Code of Responsible Research, under 8.2
For the horrific forced human experimentation, that is systematic in all State/ Territories of Australia, and the profits HUGE for the psychiatrists, pharmaceutical companies and government investors.
Keeping these jobs, these jobs that kill and maim people, exploit in the most vile, cruel ways - is just not something that can EVER be considered democratic. And if Australia does not abolish this legislated exploitation racket, then it cannot be considered a democracy.

As well as prosecution under 8.3, because we've really got to think about where all these chemicals that people don't want forced into their bodies are going, into waste water, and they cannot be removed, and we put it to the environment protection authorities, and the people who love to live in Australia, or visit Australia - that it is these extra psychiatric drugs, forced on people (every day for a life-time, on average 9 different psychdrugs per person) is what is causing the excess pollution that is killing platypus and other river life.

Also got to think about the excess plastics thereby used, as all these pills are packaged, and medicine cups are used and thrown away, needles are of course used and throw  away... and hospital burning this waste, putting toxins in the air, including CO2. That's without mentioning that pharmaceutical companies are by far the biggest polluters in the world, with far greater CO2 emissions than the automotive industry.

The #Right2Refuse psychiatrists' bloody beds, think about that, when you see 60 minutes reporting psychiatrists now jailed for pedophilia, and news reports on lewd assault from psychiatrists. How is it that the State/ Territories can force people into psychiatrists' beds, allow psychiatrists legislation that enables them to forcibly drug and inflict various procedures and cruelties on people in order to break them under this torture, to agree to do as the psychiatrists dictate?

There's still time to send in reports to the Federal Royal Commission into the bloody violations done in the name of care, help and medicine. We need the Federal RC to investigate, and expose, and put pressure on the State/ Territories to abolish forced psychiatry. 

We cannot have these monsters covering up for pedophiles, forcing mothers into forced psychiatry, c-sections, take their children away unless they comply with psychiatrists' demands. It's just not something a decent society does, it's what a vile, cruel exploitative dictatorship does, then, of course rolls out the victim-blaming propaganda.

Give the public a reminder of how many people were killed by psychiatrists in Australia last year, and the year before that, and the year before that...

We need the parliamentarians to start recognising that we, the people, who are victims of psychiatrists, need an abolition of forced psychiatry, and an apology for it ever having occurred. We are people foremost, but we are Victims of Psychiatrists (VOP) because we have received no notice that forced psychiatry will be abolished in Australia, nor any kind of reparations. Therefore, like any other victims of exploitation, violence, abuse... we need justice - the #Right2Refuse psychiatrists products, procedures, programs and their bloody beds.

We suggest a repeal of all legislated forced/ coerced Mental Health.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

International VOP day

On the 10th of October #boycott all organised events that associate with #Psychiatrists & #MentalHealth based organisation & have funding from the government, such that they do not protest to #AbolishForcedPsychiatry. Join our rally in Canberra, or organise your own #VOPday2019

More info HERE

This is INTERNATIONAL Victims Of Psychiatrists DAY
But let's first talk Victoria, where I've been organising protests in Australia.
Victims of psychiatrists have been ignored by the Victorian government, in the Royal Commission into Mental Health. The Victorian Government has instead put forth perpetrating, co-opted Mental Health associated organisations, and vile psychiatrists to speak, in our place. Many of our witness impact statements have not even been published. And psychiatrists like Patrick McGorry & Alex Cockram have been given high positions of authority and platforms to speak without any kind of questioning of their out-and-out lies that people are trying to get into psychiatrists' beds.
13 thousand Victorians, last year pleaded to not be forced into psychiatrists' beds, and the government didn't even provide them with lawyers to defend themselves against psychiatrists' accusations such as 'smiling inappropriately.'
How many Victorians were subjected to psychiatrist Prabakar Rajan Thomas , currently serving a jail sentence? This felon and his cronies need to be fully investigated for the forced human experimentation racket. How many lives were destroyed by Thomas's perverted point-of-view, and want to inflict cruelties on people? How is it that the government participated in supporting this psychiatrists harm so many, and has done so little yet, as far as reparations for those people subjected to forced depot, and vicious DSM slurs by this former psychiatrist?  
Though Victoria is one of the worst perpetrators of forced psychiatry, all states/ territories of Australia commit vile, cruel forced human research under Mental Health legislation, and perpetrate this through forced psychiatry. And we don't want the Federal Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse & Neglect of Persons with Disabilities, to be the same as the Victorian Royal Commission, and ignore the very obvious abuse of emergency powers, and exploitation by force for human research that our country inflicts, for profit on a large number of people, who are usually socially, or financially disenfranchised, or become so after being lured into visiting a psych.
So, I'm organising a Canberra Rally, where the Federal Government legislators put policy together.
If you cannot make Canberra, organise a VOP day where you are!
This is an International reclaiming.
Oct 10th, 2pm to around 5pm, at Canberra parliaments' designated protest area, for this one.
Victims of Psychiatrists are reclaiming 10th Oct 2019, from the perpetrators of vile, cruel use of force under Mental Health Acts in Australia, that force psychiatric products, procedures & programs on people.
We're reclaiming this as International VOP day.
Theme is: The #Right2Refuse Psychiatrists

The Australian government needs to understand our -
1. Objections to being violated & our lives destroyed by forced psychiatry
2. Conscientious Objection to psychiatrists' products
3. Lewd assault by psychiatrists is made easy through forced psychiatry
4. Cover up of other violations, such as child abuse is made easy by forced psychiatry, with psychiatrists who are actively inflicting the cruelest child abuse.
5. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity rights
6. Basic Human Rights that forced psychiatry takes from us
7. Implementation of the UN CRPD now!
We're asking for federal prosecution under 8.2 of the human research code
for the vile, cruel Forced Human Experimentation that is inflicted on millions of Australians for the profit of psychiatrists & coterie.

We're also asking for federal investigation under 8.3 of the human research code on behalf of people violated by the toxic products proliferation by the mental hygiene/ mental health/ pharma industry of which Australians do not have the #right2refuse due to legislated forced psychiatry.

We're also asking for an investigation under 8.3 of the code of human research for river life, such as platypus. And the #right2refuse such toxic products & pharma companies that are far worse CO2 emitters than the automotive industry.

#InternationalVOPday needs to replace the propaganda of the Mental Health industry. #VictimsOfPsychiatrists must rally and have our say, and demand our #right2refuse psychiatrists' bloody violations.
#InternationalVOPday is also a day for #VictimsOfPsychiatrists & allies to remember those who have been killed by psychiatrists through government Mental Health legislation, how their deaths have been covered up as natural when they're nothing of the kind.

ABS statistics shows that half of the population that dies each year, is on psychiatric drugs. Given what VOP know about the horrific debilitating cruelties and destruction of bodily organs from psychiatric drugs, as well as what the pharmaceutical companies list as side-effects, we recognise ALL these deaths while on psychiatric drugs, were caused, to some degree by the psychiatric drugs.
Rosemary is said to assist people to remember, so VOP wreaths are made from rosemary when they can.

Also, pleas for freedom for Victims of Psychiatrists currently held in arbitrary detention, or being subjected to cruelties of coercive-control in the community, that they know will result in arbitrary detention if they attempt to stop psychiatric drugs, procedures or programs.

For Australians - print double-sided as booklet & share as A4 fold, if needed: