People want to want
to call people out as ‘crazy’ and not be told that that is unacceptable, that is one thing, then there are those people who do whitecoterie and think they're PC.
Usually what people don’t get is that it is the terms they think are PC that
are unacceptable to psychsurvivors. People have to recognise the regime we’re
living under. And they're not going to be told that by the mainstream media, today... let's hope they will tomorrow.
I like people who
make sense. I sometimes feel though, even those who make sense in one way,
don’t understand something else, and think they do. Those who use whitecoterie terms of abuse, accuse, label, say that you, or they, 'have to work on mental health’… or use the term, 'I am... [insert derogatory fictional DSM diagnosis]'. I just think, stop it, stop repeating the sheep-bleat psychiatric prayers. People who might’ve made sense, in another way, but what’s the point if they have no idea
about the thing that makes the world so messed up? The point can be, they're just saying it, because they feel if they don't, they'll be hauled off to hospital when they want to spend Christmas & New Year with their families & friends.
Psychiatry is eugenics, the Mental Health Association, formally the Mental Hygiene Association, ideology is eugenics, and funded by eugenics enforcers. You are totally stupefied propaganda and/or just evil if you subscribe to the
nonsense that is psychiatry and the Mental Health Association's systematic abuse of human lives.
Media haven't been
all that responsible in reporting Forced Human Experimentation via the
psychiatric regime. They've created this mess by advertising way too much to be
legitimate. And mainstream media prefer aggressive people, to psychsurvivors who have been poisoned, electrocuted and verbally abused for years and years...
'feminists', do they exist in an entire profession that is misogynist? No. Whitecoats are liars by trade, and they attempt to usurp activists so they can write propaganda more effectively. This is a scam, a mass-marketing of misogynistic madness and should not be funded and enforced by government policy, but at the moment, it still is, as it has been for over 208 years.
Whitecoats are not an ally to any oppressed group of people. They may call themselves 'feminists' when that's not who they are. Hell, we live in a world where men will claim to be 'feminist', when they're not in any way even an ally to feminists.
alone does not necessarily mean that patients are competent to make decisions
about treatment or participation in research trials' says well
it wouldn't to those who have no conscience and are in the psychiatric
department and want to force participation in 'research trials'! Misogynists
have a habit of using people for what they want if they can de-humanise the
person enough.
I don’t think some people understand what it is to be female and a
psychsurvivor, then told by whitecoats who call themselves ‘feminists’ that we
have to STFU.
This is what Monash whitecoats think JUSTICE is, ‘although it may seem unfair to conduct research on people who are in emergency care situations, where the research merit principle is fulfilled, there must be fair access to participation opportunities.’
This is what Monash whitecoats think JUSTICE is, ‘although it may seem unfair to conduct research on people who are in emergency care situations, where the research merit principle is fulfilled, there must be fair access to participation opportunities.’
Yeah, they want 'fair access' to our bodies, to do what they like with.
And, they get it, through Mental Health Laws, that those whitecoat 'feminists'
think need to be kept so they can continue to encroach on us for profits, power
and muck.
'Unfair'?! it is one of the most hideous human rights violations, to use people, against their will for invasive torturous human experimentation and call this 'necessary treatment'.
Alarming isn't it? ‘Research without consent (RWC) is currently permissible in certain situations under specific conditions in the US, EU member states, Canada, and Australasia.’
The reason why when psychiatry does a bring-in, it is called 'an emergency' and the person is said to have 'impaired decision-making capacity'.
Most people don't know this is the way it is though. If they did, they would be protesting against it.
The reason why when psychiatry does a bring-in, it is called 'an emergency' and the person is said to have 'impaired decision-making capacity'.
Most people don't know this is the way it is though. If they did, they would be protesting against it.
Psychiatry is the reason there is the trans industry lobby with BIG MONEY behind it, it is the reason that women who stand up to misogyny can be so beaten up by this 'western' regime of cruelty so that they don't bother ever saying anything again, even when cornered by violators. Psychiatry is a regime that attacks marginalised people, or people that support marginalised people. If marginalised/ oppressed people support psychiatry they are betraying their own people and in the pay of whitecoats, or really, really gullible (often they are in the corner and think it is the only way to survive). If feminists support psychiatry they are NOT feminists. They usually work, or benefit from Scam Industries either financially, or socially. Scam
industries: Body Modification Industry, Porn, Psychiatry, Fashion Industry,
Pharms... doing misogynist 'Transformations'. I'm amazed that this trans
propaganda has got people to volunteer for these procedures... proves that
whitecoats can sell anything, especially when they hijack activism, and have a
lot of money to pay for making sure the 'trans' story is put in front
of any real activism. Solution #AbolishPsychiatry they're the crazy-making
spin-doctors who are still forcefully using people for Human Experimentation
and peddling this nonsense.

There is no trans
'movement', it is psychiatry, the psychiatric regime, and they don't have to
borrow anything, that's just what they have always used for 'early
intervention' as an excuse for enslaving children into Human Laboratory
Experiments. Bogus science, harmful industry. #AbolishPsychiatry.
Everything is all
the go in the acting/ performance industry, you can be a tree or the rear-end
of a donkey. You can act for money, or you can do it for ‘fun’ (on amateur
circuits) but you know, it is acting. Sometimes acting is more bound by
stereotypes than any other industry, which makes watching TV and mainstream
films really annoying. But when people go around saying they’re the rear-end of
a donkey, and I must refer to them as that in real life, then I’m waiting for
the point where you’re going to wrap-up the joke you’re telling, because I’m
then going to pin you as a comedian, because acting off stage, generally means
someone is spieling for some industry… You want to spiel for the fashion and
body modification industry, I’m not interested. You want to spiel for
psychiatry, go to HELL. Hurry up and get to the point of your transformation joke 'butterfly', I don't want your yellow dye margarine you spouted for years was more healthy than butter until you got exposed. Keep up your farting while your front end brays, 'rear end' I'm not buying into what you're selling and if you're not making me laugh with you, then I'm thinking you have no idea you are a joke... and that's really sad, and you're likely trying to sell me some scam of whatever I don't want, and hope you can pull off the 'illusion'.
I’m thinking of all
the people who have been shut-up and shut down this holiday season, while
everyone else is partying. I’m thinking of those people who are being
Forcefully used for Human Experimentation, enslaved as laboratory specimens by
the psychiatric regime. I want my community to start protesting for these
people subjected to 24/7 indefinite torture and arbitrary detention. Children
subjected to forced neuroleptics and other harmful drugs are given no choice, neither are adults in
their prime, or the elderly who are abused (often fingered to whitecoats by relatives, or people they thought they trusted). Really sad when my state, Victoria, actually wants to also put in force 'Euthanasia legislation' to bump of those they are torturing, so to trial their death drugs. People coerced under duress are not voluntary, but that won't stop the whitecoats.
The transformation
of intelligent people, attempting to speak out against traumatising social
circumstances (or past abuses) into shut-down twitching poisoned beaten up
people is horrendous. The effects of those horrible drugs forced into them are
not ‘progression of the disease’ it is people suffering forced poisoning via
government legislated psychiatry forced on them. There is no excuse for it that
isn’t horrific victim-blaming propaganda. How could any parent do this to an
innocent child? They trust medicos and don’t even listen to what their child is
You want to modify
your body with chemicals and surgeries and fashion industry scams… you do it,
but do NOT do it to others, and you do not coerce or force children or vulnerable adults in into it. Do not allow the laws of your country to continue
forcing this horror on people. Don’t be a bystander, or go along with those
paid shrills who use plainsfolk propaganda to pretend they’re not a whitecoat
troll on the payroll.
I had hoped the
psychiatric regime would end in 2016. Obviously there needs to be more effort
on the part of the population that is too stupified to think through the propaganda
of whitecoats and their attempt to pose as ‘activists’ for those they
mentally-ill. And I mean it, if you subscribe to whitecoat propaganda you
really, really, really don’t think much at all beyond what you’re fed, taught
and told to think say and do.
'My views are not based on research published in reputable scientific publications. My opinions are empirically founded: I have personal experience from being a psychiatric patient for 23 years. I have been harassed, treated with utter disrespect and sheer physical violence. (Please note: I have never been harmful to myself nor others.) I’ve been subject to dramatic involuntary commitment and forced medical treatment. All of which resulted in emotional and physical damage I still suffer from today. It would probably be easier to live with my horrific memories had my own experiences been unfortunate and based on unprecedented interventions which my perpetrators were punished for committing. The sad fact is that nobody apologizes. Nobody was punished.'
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