Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fiona Smith free from arbitrary detention

while Fiona Smith has got free from arbitrary detention in Royal Melbourne John Cade, (yesterday afternoon) she is still being forcibly subjected to Rispiridone Long Acting Injection (RLAI). 
What lucrative research is Fiona Smith being exploited for?
she's likely being exploited by the e-STAR data-base research group
Protest on Wednesday, 23rd Oct at Royal Melbourne John Cade
for Fiona Smith and the #Right2Refuse, coinciding with the Mental Health Tribunal to stop the CTO on Fiona Smith, located in this building.
Compliance with torturous drugs, is about indoctrinating a person into denial
Mental Health Tribunal Administration, and Royal Melbourne John Cade, must not act as an assessor of #compliance to RLAI and other drugs being forced, as if that's a point of law, it isn't, it's their research agenda, that should NOT be allowed, most especially given the horrific allergic reactions Fiona Smith is suffering as a result of RLAI, that are life threatening and life destroying. To force this drug on Fiona cannot be considered medicine, it is the opposite of medicine - a clear violation, chemical assault.
The #right2refuse is a political point-of-view
How can Mental Health Tribunal Administration, and Royal Melbourne John Cade, even think of medicalising a political point-of-view, well-recognised world-wide in the human rights movement -  that of demanding the #right2refuse RLAI and other psychdrugs, products, procedures and programs - most especially given that Fiona Smith has been protesting for years on this issue? It is unconstitutional to deny a political point-of-view and medicalise it, and subject the person with that political point-of-view to known neurotoxins, to shut them down, silence them, and break them into compliance with another point-of-view. It is dictatorial. It is also a clear violation of ethics, neuroleptics are considered one of the worst tortures in the world, that cause such horrific damage to a person's physical health.
The aim, for Fiona Smith, is to have the RLAI stopped immediately so that Fiona Smith doesn't have to suffer this further, the harmful and potentially lethal effects of this drug, and reduce the Rispiridone tablets gradually in a harm reduction method with a supportive GP.
Action is needed urgently on Fiona Smith's #right2refuse. Share, write blogs, letters of support, be there to protest on Wednesday if you can. Also do sign this petition -

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