Saturday, October 12, 2019

VOP day 10 OCT 2019 - Australia

Many thanks to everyone who could make it to Canberra for the Victims of Psychiatrists day rally on the 10th of October, reclaiming the day from the perpetrating Mental Health personnel and their organisations. Thank you for your artworks and powerful voices. Will have an even bigger even organised next year.

My suggestion is to keep it acoustic, and fully use your voices as VOP. Because we never have microphones to amplify our voices when we are dragged away, and assaulted by mental health personnel, and even when we cry loudly for the violations to stop, we have been ignored, and made to disappear, then broken under torture.

Fiona Smith, would've been there too, but was arbitrarily detained in Royal Melbourne John Cade. She is still fighting for release. The Tribunal Hearing, is on the 16th Oct. And a rally of support for Fiona Smith outside Royal Melbourne John Cade has been suggested for the day.

For people that don't understand Victoria, Australia's system, a Tribunal Hearing, isn't an actual court of law, it is a panel with a Lawyer, Community Representative, and a Psychiatrist.

Reminder - what Fiona Smith is being tested on is whether or not she will comply with their human research, without being forced. There is no offence that Fiona Smith has committed. She is being accused of 'having' a vicious DSM slur, that has no scientific provable basis or reality, but is rather concocted for the purposes of an exploitation racket, that really, really needs to be abolished, as the UN CRPD has pressed upon Australia to do

This is common to all exploitation rackets, the victim-blaming, and denial, and utter violation of those being exploitation, then authorities putting out propaganda that their violations are 'benevolent', that goes back to 'saving witches' by burning and drowning them. Psychiatrists 'saving' the people they accuse of vicious DSM slurs constitutes exploiting them for vile, cruel, invasive lucrative human research, that causes a person massive disfiguration, retardation of physical and intellectual abilities, and organ decay. It is slow torture, but very obviously torture, in the same manner that ugly whitecoats conduct forced human research on small animals.

What is import is that: 
This is not about what psychiatrists accuse Fiona Smith of, this is about what Fiona accuses the treating and consultant psychiatrists of, and whether those psychiatrists need to be jailed for their violations of Fiona Smith. It is the supervising, researching, treating and consultant psychiatrists and the other Mental Health Personnel involved, that have committed a violent crime against Fiona Smith, and there is no accusation which makes their violations of her body, for their profit, a lawful ethical thing to do. 

What Royal Melbourne John Cade has done to Fiona, is a serious crime. That is what must be addressed. 

We must not allow the ugly whitecoats to turn this into 'the problem with Fiona' which is just an evil attempt to slander her with nebulous derogatory psychobabble terms, that have no more meaning than any terminology that exploiters offensively accuse the people they exploit of. The ugly whitecoats must not be allowed this power.

Please sign this petition for Fiona's release and be there on the 16th, at Royal Melbourne John Cade, to show support, if you can. 

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